Sunday, March 10, 2024

Left-Wing Case for Life

     If you liked yesterday's blog about NFL quarterbacks, you'll be interested in Benjamin Watson's message. He played tight end for the Patriots, Ravens and the Saints. 

     His book is The New Fight for Life: Roe, Race and a Pro-life Commitment to Justice. It is to rally Christians to fight abortion based on Biblical values...and a somewhat progressive interpretation of politics and race. 

     Watson especially likes Psalm 139: "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb." 

     He cites a 2020 study that "Black women are four times more likely to have abortions than white women." So, he concludes that "pro-life Christians need to focus many of their efforts within the black community," helping expectant mothers in various ways. 

     Watson's politically liberal proposals include a "guaranteed living wage" and government funding of pregnancy resource centers.

     His book reviewer says, "Conservatives can join Watson in his call to pray more, to take Scripture seriously, to empathize and refrain from judging others harshly, and to serve sacrificially across racial and political lines." 

     Christians can hope Watson revives a pro-life movement on the left. He writes: 'Roe is done. And for that we rejoice. But the new fight for life is just getting started." 




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