Thursday, March 14, 2024

Monkey Business

     The U.S. uses 70,000 monkeys annually for medical research. Every one of the 25 most-prescribed drugs in the U.S. went through animal testing prior to coming to market.

     When the Democrats finally gain total control of the country, maybe scientists will use people registered as Republicans to replace monkeys. You know, "Save The Monkeys!"  😛 

UN Terrorists? 

     In 1949 the United Nations began to address the needs of 700,000 Palestinian refugees displaced by the 1948 war. Today, some 6 million in that larger region rely on the UN. 

     Israel claims that 12 UN employees were directly involved in the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks. They also claim 190 UN employees are Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants, and that nearly 10 percent of UN employees in Gaza have ties to terror organizations. 

     This shouldn't surprise us. Islamic militants want Israel wiped off the earth...followed by the USA.

Where Are the Demons?

     We don't hear much about demons, even in churches. Have they changed their evil ways? Why don't we see people "driving out demons" like we read in the Bible?

     Views is interested. Nearly every author in the New Testament, and Moses in Deuteronomy, spoke of and warned of demonic activity. 

     Coming soon, probably all next week, we will blog about demons and why it matters. If they are stealthily operating in national governments, and even in religions, we can suggest some candidates.



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