Monday, March 25, 2024

The Lamb of God  

     As the world turns, it hates Jesus, because he testified "that it's works are evil" (John chapter 7).

     As the world turns, the "thief comes to steal to kill and to destroy" (John chapter 10).

     As the world turns, "the ruler of this world is coming" (John chapter 14). 

     Jesus knew he was to be crucified to satisfy God's justice: sin must be punished by death. People escape second death only by faith and trust in Christ, "the lamb of God," who spent himself for us - once for all. What love! No more sheep, goats etc. 

     So, we know only that one third of the angels became demons. There are enough to manipulate the leadership of every nation. And now, taking advantage of our proud communications connecting the world, demons can influence people remotely, daily opposing God. 

     As the world turns, this Sunday is resurrection day. Let's open our hearts and minds to Christ...and watch our backs. 

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