Friday, September 3, 2021

The Declaration of Dependence  

   With a decent Respect to the WOKE Opinions of every approved person, we are required to declare the causes which impel us to present a Declaration of Dependence, to render our history null and void, and to dissolve the racist, hateful U.S. Constitution written by white-supremacist males, among them slave holders. As follows:

   WE hold these opinions to be self-evident, that all 52 varieties of gender evolved with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are guaranteed income, free healthcare and education, and the pursuit of voting privileges in any or all states. That to secure these Rights, the Democratic Party is formulated among the elite, to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as the elitists shall seem most likely to effect their Loyalty and Compliance. Prudence will dictate that this Government will be long established and not abolished for any Cause not warranted by the Powers that be. Experience has shown that the proletariat are enslaved by capitalism. The suffering masses must right themselves by Depending on Government to deliver them from Despotism. When a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations reduce them so, it is their Duty to throw off such Government. Their patient Sufferance constrains them to look to the Democratic Party in pursuit of happiness. 

   WE therefore, the Representatives of the Masses, by our Authority do solemnly Publish and Declare, that all citizens ought to be Governed and Dependent; that they are totally dissolved, free and independent of white-male domination and religion; and that they have full Power to appeal to Government for basic needs and dismissal of charges. Under the Just Powers of the Government, citizens also have the Right and Duty to surrender all firearms, and contribute such Taxes as is fitting to the welfare of the new privileged. 

   WE the Caretakers reserve the right to cancel Obstructionists who resort to interference with any person's Opinion as to the nature of Life, and the conduct thereof. 


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