Friday, September 24, 2021

Does God Really Listen?  

   Long, long ago the devil asked Adam's wife, Did God really say...? 

   So began the downfall of the human race, right there in a beautiful, safe garden that God pronounced as very good

   Don't know about you, but we've fallen for many a doubt ... Does God have time for me? Is he listening to my prayers? Does he know what I'm doing? What I'm thinking? Is he okay with my lukewarm faith? 

   Growing up in a mainline church, we wouldn't miss Sunday service ... choir procession, hymns, repetitive prayers and scriptures, and a sermon. Repeat.

   It wasn't until my mid-30s when Dad had a temporary lapse of mental health that our family earnestly sought God. And it wasn't until my late-40s when divorce was coming and our kids were hurting that I - a church deacon - thoroughly emptied myself before God and pleaded for - demanded? - answers. 

   I think - no, I know - he was finally pleased with me. But it took two months of desperate prayer and repentance. There was no healing for the marriage or the kids.    

 [As a youngster, I wasn't taught to seek God Monday-Saturday, but except for those Sundays, I might never have become - much later - a true believer.]

   YouVersion offers encouragement for those wishing to draw near to God. 

1. Keep it simple. God isn't looking for eloquence. He wants to spend time with you. 

2. Keep it real. God doesn't get mad at you for being honest. Nothing can separate you from his love. Not sure what to say or how to say it? Tell him so. 

3. Keep showing up. The more you pray, the easier it becomes. Make prayer a habit. Ask him to help you pray. 

   We have a (retired) pastor in the family. He uses ACTS when he prays: 

Adoration. Confession. Thankfulness. Supplication. 



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