Monday, September 20, 2021

Seeing Through the Fog

   Victor Hanson, military history professor, Hoover Institution, provides insight we want to share:

- edited for space -

   "Joe Biden and the Pentagon birthed a terrorist haven, destroyed much of U.S. strategic deterrence and alienated our allies. We were told that the terrorist victors share similar goals to ours...that Afghan refugees (unlike U.S.  soldiers) will not be forced to be vaccinated. 

   "On the very day of the attack that killed American troops, the sergeant major of the U.S. Army tweeted that 'diversity is our strength,' commemorating Women's Equality Day. If so, then is the opposite of diversity - unity - our weakness? 

   "The chief of staff at the Office of Naval Intelligence warned active duty and retired service members they must not criticize Biden, their commander in chief ... citing prohibitions in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Yet until January 20, retired top brass constantly smeared their elected commander in chief with impurity.

   "Retired Gen. Michael Hayden retweeted that unvaccinated Trump supporters should be put on planes to Afghanistan. He had earlier compared President Trump's border facilities to Nazi death camps. 

   "Other retired military officials variously called Trump an emulator of Nazi tactics, a veritable Mussolini and a liar...and deserving removal from office sooner, not later. None of these four-stars faced repercussions from the ONI.

   "More than 50 former intelligence officials (before November's election) signed a letter suggesting that incriminating emails on Hunter Biden's laptop might be 'Russian disinformation.' 

   "Gen. Mark Milley leaked to journalists that he was so angry with Trump that he 'considered resigning.' Consider the irony: If he considered a politicized resignation over a false charge, then surely he could consider a real resignation after overseeing the worst military disaster of the last half-century in Kabul. 

   "Milley had promised to root out white supremacy while recommending that his soldiers read Ibram X. Kendi's racialist diatribes.  

   "Which general allowed more than $85 billion in American weapons to fall to the Taliban - a sum equal to the price of seven new U.S. aircraft carriers? Who left behind biometric devices that the Taliban are using to hunt down our former Afghan friends? 

   "Somehow our new woke Pentagon is bent on losing the trust of the American people - along with the wars it fights abroad."


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