Monday, September 6, 2021

Is the End Near?  

   We don't claim the Great Tribulation begins next week. But we see previews of it in history and in present-day troubles.

   You know about the Four Horsemen in Revelation chapter 6, as revealed to John. 

   First is a white horse. Its rider is "a conqueror bent on conquest." 

   We think of the Pharaohs, Alexander, Napoleon, British kings, Hitler, Stalin, Tojo. Could we include Hussein, Bin laden, Chinese communists and militant Muslims? 

   Second is a red horse. Its rider makes men slay each other. 

   Examples: civil wars, homicides, extremists and terrorists. 

   Third is a black horse. Its rider symbolizes a specific famine, inflation and hunger. 

   Refugees are increasing by the tens of thousands. We've known of floods, famines and hunger in various places. Inflation is coming again.

   Fourth is a pale horse. Its rider is named "Death," a time of intense war, famine, plagues and disease. 

   During the Tribulation's last 3-1/2 years, there will be all-out persecution of Christians and Jews. Martyrdom has been most frequent in the last century-plus. Satellites and other inventions will enable the political antichrist to exercise authority over every tribe, people, language and nation (Rev. 13:7). 

   Kings, princes, generals, the rich and mighty will know their time is up. The Almighty will shake the world, and cosmic upheaval will terrorize. 

   Chapter 6 is only the beginning. Satanic wrath will be answered with judgment on this ungodly world. There will be silence in heaven, as horror descends upon the earth. 

   Our opinion: From here, world turmoil will only worsen. Our republic, which has lost its Judeo-Christian influence, is struggling to survive as founded.  

   We pray the Lord will revive us one more time.


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