Tuesday, September 14, 2021

 Face to Face With God  

   The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with a friend."  -Exodus 33:11

   Sophia Lee, born into a missionary family, writes, "My parents shone on me flickers of the God they knew, but they couldn't make me know and love God on an intimate, heart-to-heart level. It's easy to fill your head with so much knowledge of Christ ... yet never fully develop a relationship with Him because your daily life already feels stuffed with Christianity."  

   "But isn't that what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross?" she asks. "He tore the veil of the temple that separates man from God and made available to us the indwelling of His Spirit." 

Pastor Jack Hibbs says "Jesus cannot, not live within us."

He prayed, Righteous Father...I will continue to make you known...

and that I myself may be in them. John 17:25-26

God cannot lie.

   Many resources are helpful, says Ms. Lee, "but how much time do we spend drawing direct insight and revelation from the primary source?"

   "Perhaps I lack trust and experience in the Wonderful Counselor who lives in me, whom Jesus promised would teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.  - John 14:26

   "So I'm trying something new. I still love my books and podcasts, but I'm also embracing moments of silence, so I can hear God speak. I want my face time with God, even if I don't get the immediate, clear-cut answers I want. Even if sometimes I get more the quiet stillness of God's presence, because that is enough." 

WORLD magazine



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