Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Allies Flabbergasted

         Enemies Smell Blood   

   This is our view after our embarrassing evacuation from Afghanistan, including the sacrifice of 13 troops "protected" by the Taliban.  

   Our president painted it mostly successful, but no allied leader can count on him, and no enemy will fear him. Watch your back - Taiwan, Ukraine and others. 

   Attending the arrival of 13 flag-draped caskets at Dover Air Force Base, the president put his hand over his heart, then looked at his watch. What? Was he told to get Air Force One back to Washington before sundown?  

   Here's one example of the character of leadership Democrats provide Americans. Arne Dunkan was Secretary of Education for eight years under Obama. This week he tweeted that anti-vaccination and anti-mask citizens have the same mindset as terrorists who killed 13 troops at the Kabul airport.  

   If you hadn't already seen that, take a deep breath and avoid sharp objects until you feel better.

   Hey! I know what to do. They told trapped Americans to go to the airport...simple as that. Well, that door has closed, but now they can tell them to go to Mexico...and walk home. 

   We never wanted to use Views By the Sea for political rumblings. But, these know-it-alls impact our lives - to advance their own careers. We're not crazy about Republicans, but they aren't as divisive or bent on permanent control. 

Our Generous Gifts 

   We don't know the condition of $85 billion in military assets now in Taliban hands. They were meant for the Afghan government, mostly deposited in Marar-i-Sharif, Kunduz, Herat, Kabul, Gardez, Lashkar Gah and Kandahar.

   73,672 Humvees, mine-proof vehicles, personnel carriers, trucks and SUVs.

   549,364 machine guns, assault rifles, pistols and artillery guns.

   174 helicopters, transport planes and other flying machines.

   300,699 Afghan troops had access to all this in July, but no matter. 


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