Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Making an Up Turn  

   Here at Views By the Sea we've been thinking. 

   That may surprise you. (No laughing.) We've almost completed seven years of blogging ... everything from automobiles to ziggurats. 

   You don't remember the ziggurats? Oh, rats! 

   We've enjoyed writing, often summarizing the work and wisdom of people a thousand times more knowledgeable. We've also provided personal stories ... interesting but nothing to boast about.  

   Part of our enjoyment is meeting the demand to post something every day of the year, and to assure every word is spelled correctly and every comma is in place. 

                Tomorrow: Can a poodle teach us about God? >

   Of course, you can get worldly information anywhere. Today's news is not pleasant. Views cannot fix it. Our news media could do its duty - investigation and truth - but mostly it is in bed with would-be tyrants.    

   Here's the Up turn (not U turn): We'll let this message sit until Thursday, when we begin a new emphasis, Lord willing. 

   Views By the Sea can interest you for a few minutes, or we can bless you long term, as we hope now to do. If you say, "no thanks," no hard feelings.  

   I'm not a "preacher," but I have Bibles, helpful commentaries, and sometimes a nugget of truth from someone far more knowledgeable. I need to learn and be reminded of what I once learned as much as anyone.  

   I'd rather pass along spiritual fruit for endless days, than worldly crumbs like flowers that bloom today and tomorrow are thrown into the fire. Kings come and kings go. Salvation is everything.  

   You may see a worldly subject once in awhile, but it had better be important. 



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