Friday, September 17, 2021

 Come to Think of It 

   Lifelong politician Joe Biden, king lion of his tribe, a family in pursuit of personal wealth, could have served four years and returned to Delaware with the same reputation with which he took the oath of office. Not so bad. 

   The media and his wife carried his water - moderate president, decades of service, foreign policy expert, friend to all. Unite us all, Joe. 

   All he had to do was be cool, and stay out of major controversy (if that's possible). Never mind his mind, something like elderly Ronald Reagan in his second term.

   But good old Joe from Scranton has an ego as high as Mount Everest. He has to please the Marxists to hold his party together, and he has to prove himself superior to - what's his name? - ah, Trump. He has to command all of us - get vaccinated, because he follows the science. No, it's because his party is bent on controlling all of us...even our personal decisions about health.

   In eight short months he has blown himself out of the water. He can't just be okay. He has to go down in history as great. Democrats are holding ranks, but they must be nervous. 

   We are nervous because our ship is listing, and storms lie ahead. In just eight months President Biden is already the worst U.S. president in history. 

   You ask, "How can you say such a thing?" Well, we can't compare him with any president up through the 1800s - a time before electricity, automobiles, airplanes etc. There may be a single issue, such as Lincoln's decision to save the Republic. Biden had his issue - helping Sen. Ted Kennedy squash the nomination of a highly qualified Supreme Court nominee.  

   True socialist Woodrow Wilson in the early 1900s wasn't as dangerous as a weak Biden in 2021. President Carter oversaw a lousy economy, but that was one issue. 

   Biden can reasonably be compared only to presidents serving in recent times - incredible advancements in technology, medicine, mobility, communications - and a smaller world vulnerable to nuclear disaster. 

   Think it over - all major issues including energy, spending, and the unforgiveable border crisis - and tell me where I'm wrong.


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