Wednesday, September 15, 2021


   Don't worry. We can afford this expenditure the Democrats want to make on roads and bridges, and lots of pet projects that will please their voters. 

   You know we're already $28,000,000,000,000 in debt. 

   But there is money in the corporate world, big tech, and individual tax payers in the top 1 percent (which includes small business owners making $400,000 before taxes). 

   See, Rep. Cortez went to a big fund raiser among very rich people, with large red words on her white dress - Tax the Rich. What a showboat! Of course, when businesses get soaked, we customers make up the difference. Do we think the super rich care about any of us?

   California's ambitious governor faced a recall vote yesterday. President Biden and VP Harris flew there to rally his voters. 

   Do you see what I see? Beautiful California is a real mess: inflation - preventable (large) fires - the homeless - brownouts - high taxes - crime - undocumented immigrants. Residents who can leave the state are leaving. If the Democrats don't give a hoot for middle class Californians, do we think they care about any of us? 

   Then there was the August 31 "deadline" in Afghanistan. Democrats praise their "largest ever" evacuation, which it was, but execution of the exit was sloppy and ill timed. Americans died and others suffered horrible injuries. Not everyone got out, and we also left behind weapons terrorists never would have otherwise. Do we think the administration cares about future terrorism?  

   So they blame Trump for their having to stick to "his" deadline, which by the way was Biden's date. Well, if they were forced to follow Trump's schedule, how's come they didn't have to abide by Trump's "stay in Mexico" policy, which was pretty much effective? They opened the southern gates on Day 1. Do we think they care about safety in our cities?     

   Speaking of Biden, did you know, wherever he goes, the White House staff will cut his mike when he's about to make a boo-boo? Don't know how that works, but then there's a lot we don't know, like who is behind the curtain.


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