Thursday, September 23, 2021

Someone is Waiting for You 

   The angel of the Lord spoke through a donkey (Numbers 22.) 

   Might the Lord also use a poodle? 

   Little Foxy is all about relationships. If our brother-in-law goes on an errand, Foxy parks herself where she will be first to know when he comes home. 

   When she visits us and I leave on an errand, Mrs. Donut says Foxy sits in the kitchen watching the door. 

   It is clear she has the four of us ranked: Sister-in-law No. 1, her husband No. 2 (after all, she lives with them), Mrs. Donut No. 3 and I am last...but still useful when Foxy wants to play, "Catch me if you can." 

Our Lord is all about relationships.

   So much so, that...If anyone loves me (Jesus) he will obey my teaching and we (Father and Son) will come to him and make our home with him.  - John 14:23

   Isn't that amazing? We cannot and don't have to understand this like we know that the sun is hot and rain is wet. We believe.  

   We can experience the presence (I have) and love of the Father and Son by means of the Holy Spirit. One God. Three Persons.

   In Matthew 11:28 Jesus offers his gracious invitation... Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. And freedom, mercy, peace, grace and spiritual help. 

   So we go to him and he comes to us. Awesome is our Creator! And he wants to be No. 1 among all our relationships. 

   There awaits an eternal home. No errands necessary.


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