Tuesday, March 30, 2021

 You Shall Love 

Yesterday, commandments 1-5. Today, 6-10.

Comments by Mike Huckabee

   You shall not murder. 

   This commandment affirms the sacredness of human life. The goal of love is always to heal, not to hurt. 

   You shall not commit adultery. 

   Adultery defrauds the love of another and destroys the self-esteem of the one being defrauded. Promises and vows are sacred, and this commandment affirms the validity and authority of such promises. 

   You shall not steal.

   True love has the desire to give instead of take. 

   You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. 

   Gossip and falsehoods defy the character of God, who is always honest. Even when we speak well of others, remember that real love is always honest. 

   You shall not covet. 

   Love delights in the possessions of others rather than desiring what others have. 

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