Monday, March 15, 2021


   Evidence is "the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid." 

   God loves truth and hates lies. Investigate thoroughly. See Deuteronomy 13:12-14, 17:3-4 and 19:15-18. 

   There is circumstantial evidence. Multiple witnesses. Witness evaluation. And discernment, the ability to judge well. Discernment comes from the Holy Spirit, so we read. 

Let's Put it to the Test

   During the campaign, Joe Biden said executive orders are the way of a dictator. We should have consensus. He called for unity. He said he will be president for all.

   Was he honest? What's the evidence? 

   He issued 42 executive orders in 11 days. There was no unity about them. He endorsed impeachment of his opponent, now a civilian, who received 74 million votes.

   He called for rejoining the Chinese-friendly World Health Organization and the suspect Paris Climate Agreement (to which China the polluter is not obligated). He abruptly stopped construction of the border wall and limited enforcement. Drug cartels must be celebrating. They're certainly making money.  

   He supported legislation to allow non-citizens be counted for legislative redistricting purposes, presumably adding more friendlies to Congress. 

   He supports using U.S. taxpayer money for abortions in other nations, not exactly a unifying cause. He is okay with biological men participating in women's sports and sharing locker rooms etc. You thought Democrats support women's rights? 

   He supports gender transition procedures, and requiring people of conscience to violate their consciences. There has been no talk of "freedom of conscience." 

   There is a $64,000 question: Is the aging president truly the source of a leftist agenda, or is a shadow presidency using him, and the devil using the shadow presidency?  

   The Lord says evil will be called good, and good called evil in the last days. 

   Every day is the day of salvation (getting it right), says the Bible. If these are the last days, the days are getting shorter, and we don't mean the hours of sunlight.



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