Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Farewell Captain

    Part way into our 28-page story, which ended February 25, we came across a statement by historian and author Barbara Tuchman (1912-1989) - "The best way to make history interesting is to tell stories." 

   We took that as confirmation that our little effort was worthwhile. Jesus himself told stories (parables) to help uneducated - in Scripture - people better understand their God and his truth. 

   We're mostly sad but also glad the project is over. You may remember that I first wrote this story in 1992, sharing it only with my brother-in-law, who was not impressed. We saved most of the verses, and you can be thankful we scrapped the verbal battles between angels and demons.

   The fun for me was editing, adding, deleting, fixing and hopefully making the story as interesting and helpful as possible. I never stopped making changes right up to the last hour. With this online "book" I had to bridge each page to the prior, to remind you each day where we were. The trick was to imagine I was you, the reader, making sure you knew what I knew about a word or a name. 

   Thanks for reading. I love you all. Jesus loves you best. The Captain is over. But Jesus lives forever, and our belief and trust in him is more important than anything in life.   


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