Thursday, March 25, 2021

One Hungry UFO 

   No sooner had we drafted yesterday's blog about a hawk and its prey, that he was back in our grove eating again. 

   It was Wednesday, midafternoon. 

   Probably 10 or 12 feet from its morning kill, the hawk was impressive. When it bent down for a bite its reddish tail was exposed. 

   So, it was a red-tailed hawk. Or was it? My bird books weren't much help. Was it a different hawk? or a falcon? a vulture? kite? harrier? eagle? The osprey looked more like it, though ospreys don't have a red tail. We'll just consider it an unidentified flying object.  

   Standing in our pool cage with binoculars, I saw long tail feathers of the victim move as the UFO shook his meal. This was no ordinary songbird. 

   Soon, the predator spotted me. To check me out, with his 48-inch wingspan he flew onto the crook of the nearest tree.

   Then in a rush he flew above the trees and began circling the grove counter clockwise. His second round came lower. His third pass was lower still. And his fourth altitude was about 15 feet overhead.

   With the sun above him, he looked all black. I was content to stay inside the pool cage. 

   He flew off, leaving his meal half-eaten. Maybe I ruined his appetite. So cancel me. 

   If the carcass wasn't an owl, your guess is good as mine. The UFO may have caught it napping in the middle of the day.  




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