Tuesday, March 23, 2021

 Day of Horrors   

   We had in mind a Week of Horrors - President Harris, politics, executive orders, return of the spirit of FDR - but, you might hide under the covers and never read Views again. 

   So, can you tolerate a day of horrors? 

   By a 50-49 vote (where is the missing Republican?) the U.S. Senate approved the nomination of California's attorney general, Xavier Becerra, to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

   Well, why not? He has no experience in healthcare. Check!

   As if this matters, Becerra prosecuted pro-life activists for their hidden-camera investigation into Planned Parenthood, sponsor of millions of baby killings. Check!

   And he sued the Little Sisters of the Poor, whose conscience forbids providing contraceptives to their employees, as required by Obamacare, the ACA. Check!

   And he has aggressively fought religious liberty and pro-life supporters. Check!

   Seems like a perfect addition to the puzzle being assembled by the ruling party.

Minimum Wagering 

   There are about 17 million workers making less than $15 per hour. We assume this includes people of various ages, goals, needs and stations on the road of life. The current minimum wage is $7.25/hour.  

   The minimum wage plan would elevate about 900 thousand above poverty. To help a fraction of one percent of Americans, it would raise the federal budget deficit to $54 billion by 2031. 

   The projected national debt - already without the plan - is $31.4 trillion by 2030. 

   Thirty three percent of small business owners polled said a $15 minimum wage would cause them to lay off some workers. If the Biden plan goes into effect, 1.4 million workers will lose their jobs, according to the Congressional Budget Office. 

Come in; stay out 

   We have a barbed-wire fence protecting the U.S. Congress. But our border with a foreign country (actually, the world) is open to the tired, poor, those yearning to be free, unaccompanied children, drug cartels, human traffickers, gang members, terrorists, rapists and competitors for even minimum wage jobs. If we're such a racist country, why are so many Hispanics desperate to live here?    



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