Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Gospel or Politics? Social Justice or Biblical Justice? 

                        An interview with a Hispanic pastor.

What is primary? 

   The gospel compels us to address issues with political implications. I am committed to preserving religious liberty and supporting Biblical justice, righteousness in the public square, not social justice. 


   We say no to socialism, which is antithetical to a Biblical worldview. 

Mexican immigrants?

   Mexicans are some of the hardest working individuals on the planet - 12-14-hour workdays. The Hispanic electorate will reinvigorate the conservative movement. The Latino community is the vaccine against socialism in America.


   (Leftist) notions are absurd. They're part of a deconstructive modus operandi pushed by extremists with a Marxist worldview. It's antithetical to Scripture. We care more about political correctness than about STEM - science, technology, engineering, math. We're harming beautiful African American and Latino young men and women with a public educational system that is morally reprehensible. 

Affirmative Action?

   Government tells me, "You are a victim. You're second class. You can't make it ... without government." Uncle Sam will never be my Heavenly Father.

Prosperity gospel? 

   There is no gospel of prosperity. There is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the finished work on the cross. God wants me to live a life where I can prosper spiritually, mentally, relationally and become a blessing to people.

Win or lose?

   The moment you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior, the victory of the cross trumps all the defeats in your past. It's equivalent to losing every other game and somehow ending up in the Super Bowl by the grace of God, and win. John 3:16; John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17.


Samuel Rodriquez, president of the National Hispanic 

Christian Leadership Conference, with Marvin Olasky.



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