Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday  Continued

You Are a Marxist if...  

It's OK if you receive a Nobel Prize for economics, though you never created a job or produced one minute of world peace. 

It's OK that auto union workers receive $10 billion in pensions, while non-union workers are losing pensions. 

It's OK to condemn a GOP opponent for money stashed in the Cayman Islands, while your treasury secretary is doing the same. 

It's OK to confiscate money and redistribute it to those who didn't earn it.

It's not OK for "greedy" workers to want to keep what they earned. 

It's OK to add $7 trillion to national debt. But for President Bush to add half that amount was "an embarrassment, travesty, disgrace." 

It's OK to shame business owners, "You didn't build that," when they and other taxpayers paid all funds allowing government to build roads etc. 

It's OK to claim "commitment" to small business, while proposing more than 6,000 new rules, regulations and mandates. 

It's OK to promise the average family their healthcare costs will decrease by $2,500 per year, while your program raises it by $3,000 per year. 

It's OK to tell Americans they can keep their healthcare, while your own White House reports that 93 million will not keep it. Oops.

It's OK to tell Americans a "green economy" will create "millions of jobs," while Spain has been there, done that, destroying twice as many jobs as created. Spain's unemployment (in 2014) stood at 27 percent, youth at 58 percent. 

How many aren't being truthful when they take the oath of office?

Conclusion tomorrow


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