Monday, March 22, 2021

 What if...

There were never any Native American team names? 

   Suppose, in professional baseball and football, no team was ever known as the Indians, Braves, Redskins or Chiefs. Would anyone complain? 

   In today's somewhat cushy society, there are people in esteemed universities with too much time on their hands. They don't exactly work for a living or produce anything - like most retirees - but they want to count, to be known, to feel good about themselves.

   So they find something to complain about, and "make a federal case out of it," as we kids used to say. Native Americans are insulted. Yes. That's it. They've got to shame team owners. 

   Indians, Braves, Chiefs ... and certainly Redskins have to go. Okay. A minority of native Americans do resent sports teams using such names, even though it is meant to be positive. Would the Cleveland Indians rather be known as the Cleveland Criminals?  

   Back to our question. What might happen if Pirates, Padres, Rangers, Mariners, Yankees, Astro(nauts), Brewers, Patriots, Cowboys, Packers, Vikings, Buccaneers, 49ers, Steelers and Texans -- all positives in big time sports -- while Indians, Braves etc. were left out of the fun? 

   Maybe folks living in ivory towers would scream about natives being ignored by fat cat owners, discriminating against original Americans while idolizing Yankees and Patriots.  

   Maybe not. Their real, progressive goal is to divide us, to "sift us like wheat." Right, devil? Efforts to divide everyone have been underway since we were in college in the 1950s.  



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