Monday, March 1, 2021

Gotta Hand It to the President    

   With his attack on Pearl Harbor, Tojo didn't weaken America. Neither Stalin nor Hitler could destroy America. 

   But, credit given where credit is due: Life long American politician, President Biden, is well on the way to accomplishing what tyrants failed to do. 

   Since our 2009-2017 rulers, picking up where they left off, and their agents in newsrooms like to use theater, we have a theatrical idea. 

   World War II in the Pacific officially ended when Gen. Douglas MacArthur accepted unconditional surrender in Tokyo Bay. That was a dramatic moment on the deck of the battleship Missouri - Mighty Mo as it is known. Three cheers for the USA! Total embarrassment for the proud Japanese. 

   Mighty Mo, our last battleship, is retired in Pearl Harbor near the sunken Arizona. What a statement it would make for American collaborators to surrender to China on the deck made famous on Sept. 2, 1945. 

   Its nearly 900-foot length provides room for all White House employees, all Democrat politicians, their media, Ivy League and big business friends. The Chinese won't have to travel all the way to Washington for the big show.    

   We just hope the president invites former President Obama, who deserves more credit than anyone for the movement to make America weak. 

   Remember how he was troubled by the distractions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and wanted to "pivot to Southeast Asia?" Now we understand. 

   Did he stay in Washington just to watch soaps with "the resistance" during the Trump years?   



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