Thursday, March 18, 2021

Guns and Beer 

   Patrick, sold into slavery in Ireland at age 16, escaped the island, and later received a vision from God. He returned at personal risk to introduce Christianity. All we heard on Fox & Friends yesterday was about celebrating St. Patrick's Day with beer, especially an Irish brand. Must be some financial connection somewhere. 

Now, some logic

   Passing along some items we received from a friend: 

   Eleven teens die on average each day due to texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of smart-phone ownership to 21. 

   If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry, USA.

   The 2nd Amendment gives women more equality than the feminist movement. 

   Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and maybe a trillion rounds of ammo. If they were the problem, we would know it. 

   When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle. 

   The NRA kills no one and receives no $ from the government. Planned Parenthood annually kills 350,000 babies and receives $500,000 tax dollars. 

   We have no problem with vigorous background checks for firearms. Let's do the same with immigration, voter ID and candidates running for office. 

   People wonder about another Civil War. One side has guns and ammo. The other side has crying closets, coloring books, and chooses which bathroom to use. Of course, in war, government will come to the aid of the whiners. 

Views doesn't affirm any of the above "facts"

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