Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Equity, the New Golden Rule  

   Good intentions? Perfectionists in an imperfect world? Freedom without boundaries? Unrestricted rights?           ...and vote for us! 

   Notice, they aren't equalizing the classes. As president, Barack Obama was heard to say, "Our girls will be okay." Oh. I see. Your girls and boys - and mine - may not be okay. Just a female president here ... a lesbian justice there. Qualifications optional. We feel good in the upper class. 

   Politicians will never produce equity as their born-wealthy, feeling guilty, socialist backers define it. 

   We are all made by God with different fingerprints, different gifts and different circumstances. God who gives also withholds ... for his divine reasons. 

   Some of us are born with defects. Others in deplorable living conditions; still others with silver spoons. Is there any government other than tyrannical that can equalize a society of more than 330 million diverse citizens plus immigrants? 

   When we are needy, we might seek our Maker. When we are proud and superior, we trust ourselves. Envy feeds the desire for communism, which equalizes only poverty and has killed a hundred million people. 

   God calls us to be the best of who we are, however he defines "best." When Jesus' disciples complained that a woman was using expensive perfume on him, instead of spending its value on the poor, Jesus said, "The poor will always be with you, but you will not always have me." We - not through the government - are supposed to help the poor and needy; never does God speak of equity on earth. 

   We have read of a strategy that works better than government mandates: Hard work, civility, being on time, going above the call of duty, living within our means, avoiding debt, marriage before children, and virtuous living. 

   Godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. If we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 1 Timothy 6:6-8 

   Authorities dispensing taxpayer money - now borrowed money by the trillions - don't emphasize Life beyond human life. God first! The rest will take care of itself. 





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