Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Marxist President?   

   We were going to do this last week. Then we weren't. Okay. Let's do it. 

   Are you concerned we could have a communist president some day? Would you believe we already had one for eight years, and that he is again pulling the strings? 

   We read a book written in 2014 by a man who attended Columbia at the same time Barack Obama allegedly did, in political science. No students or professors from that period remember Obama. And his so-called record is sealed! 

   The author claimed Obama is a "hybrid socialist/Marxist/fascist," that he disguises his true self, that he "hates" the American way and did what he could to bankrupt us. And he has many collaborators.

   Don't take the author's word for it, or mine, but for a few days we will provide evidence that convinces you...or not. You may remember some of these.  

You (referring to Obama) are a Marxist if: 

It's OK to provide welfare and food stamps to excess. 

But it's not OK to feed wildlife.

It's OK to pass a 2,000-page healthcare bill without Congress reading it.

But, it's not OK to expose the New York Times' falsehoods. 

It's OK to allow millions of illegal immigrants cross the border.

But it's not OK for someone to crash a White House state dinner. 

It's OK to call food stamps and unemployment payments "economic stimulus."

It's OK to tout "economic recovery" when food stamps outpace job growth.

It's OK to give the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt free F-16s.

But it's not OK for law abiding citizens to oppose severe gun control.

 Continued tomorrow

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