Thursday, March 11, 2021

It's OK Continued

You Are a Marxist if... 

It's OK to cut veterans' pensions, and spend $300 million on Palestinian mortgages.

It's OK to listen in on phone calls without a warrant.

It's not OK to check criminal backgrounds of job applicants. 

It's OK for your IRS to harass conservatives. And allow illegals to claim dozens of nonexistent kids, receiving "tax refunds" into the billions. 

It's OK that the only thing congressmen, cabinet members and czars know about business comes from books by Karl Marx, available at Harvard and Columbia.

It's OK to call the debt crisis "a fiscal cliff" while adding $2.1 trillion in new debt.

It's OK to ask for a photo ID to access Obamacare benefits, but not to vote. 

It's OK to give a job, government contract or college admission based on skin color. That's social justice.

It's not OK to deny a job, government contract or college admission based on skin color. That's immoral and criminal. 

It's OK to meet with dictators, tyrants, communists, America haters and terrorist sympathizers.

It's not OK to meet with Republicans in Congress. 

It's OK that there is no money for air traffic controllers or detention facilities for illegals. But it's OK to spend $100 million for a presidential visit to Africa and pledge $7 billion for electric construction. 

It's OK for colleges and law schools to charge $60,000/year, and for professors to earn more than $200,000. 

It's not OK to charge a student $9 a month for her contraceptives. 

Continued tomorrow

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