Monday, February 22, 2021

  Some Will; Some Won't  

As the Captain and his battalion stealthily pass for Benjamin's learning, another mountain looms ... built by followers after riches, foolish and harmful desires. People eager for luxury have wandered far from the faith, piercing themselves with many griefs.

   The Voice: "Every mountain and hill will be made low. Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and springs of water." 

   "He is kind to the unthankful and the evil. Love your enemies, as children of the Highest." 

   Over rocks of worry, fear and doubt: "The rugged places will be a plain." Over carnal canyons and jungles of jealousy: "He who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God." 

   Benjamin sees humans who think they are saved, but far from it. They concede the Name, but refuse to surrender. The angel would help, but only the Captain has authority to say, Follow me. 

   Now over the wreckage of war, Benjamin sees darkness, but also spiritual light; righteous acts, but multiple sins; true worshippers, but many pretenders. He sees the humble and the prideful; the meek and the arrogant; those thirsting for righteousness and those satisfied with carelessness. 

   He witnesses the pure in heart and the contaminated; peacemakers and troublemakers, the persecuted and their offenders. The hot, lukewarm and cold.

   Benjamin learns that sufficient Light is given to man, and darkness cannot overcome it ... without collaboration. 

   A praying grandmother has led the Captain to her loved one. All stop. Between the mission and the man - a foul spirit. Satan. Old Lucifer himself.

Tuesday: Will love win out?

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