Wednesday, February 24, 2021

 Chapter 15

Bible and Gun 

Before his closing prayer, the pastor assures, "You don't have to look for the Lord; he is looking for you. And he reveals himself to those who fear him." 

   The two men exit church, exchange small talk, and part ways. Now troubled with mixed thoughts, and this fork in the spiritual road, the man thinks, "I'm no more sinner than church people. Anyway, even if there is a God, I'm not good enough." He is tired, depressed and ... fed up! 

   Jesus doesn't want his goodness, only his repentance. A heavenly choir joins the battle:

Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand,

I am tired, I am weak, I am worn. 

Through the storm, through the night, lead me on, to the right,

Take my hand, Precious Lord, lead me home.

   The demon takes his hand. He removes his pistol from the glove compartment and checks into a motel. His mood is as dark as the moonless night. Sitting on the bed, his finger finds the trigger ... the barrel touches his temple.

   His eyes see a Bible on the nightstand. He stares for a long minute ... lays the gun on the bed, resting his hand on it ... and with the other hand pulls God's Word onto his lap. He randomly opens to passage after passage, each one seeming to call attention to itself. 

   Freedom comes from the Spirit of the living God. Resist the devil and he will flee. Humble yourself before the Lord. He cares for you. 

   The very words quoted by the pastor. "Is God real? Have I been deceived?"

Tomorrow: Will angels rejoice?



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