Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Chapter 14

Will Love Win?  

Satan locates himself between the stray sheep and the Good Shepherd, between his demons and the 111th battalion. Dark as spiritual dragons are, he can't be seen. 

   The prince of the air is furious. He was long ago defeated by the blood of the Lamb. His only cause is to blind as many souls as possible, until his time is up. His ways are well known throughout the realm.    Steal!    Kill!    Destroy!  

   Going to the cross was not easy for Jesus. Believing in the cross is not easy for mortals, especially grownups. All these 20 centuries since his first mission, Benjamin still marvels at the patience and Love of God.  

   The demon assigned to this man has led him to rely on his instincts, desires and abilities. He has been failed by some, and himself failed others. His success provides no lasting joy. His riches never enough. Socially he drinks, only to be thirsty again. And again. 

   His deep need is unconditional love, but for him love has always been conditional. Little does he know that the Rock of ages, love, mercy and grace is knocking on his heart. A celestial choir begins to sing, On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand...

   A friend invites him to hear his pastor. What could it hurt? he reasons.

   "Freedom comes from the Spirit of the Living God." I'm a free man, he thinks. 

   "Resist the devil and he will flee from you."  The devil? Come on, he chuckles.

   "Humble yourself before the Lord. He cares for you." Oh, sure, he sniffs.

   As the church choir and worshippers sing Amazing Grace, the man hesitates ... thinks ... regrets ... admits ... wonders. The confident demon begins to scowl.

Tomorrow: A Bible and a gun


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