Wednesday, February 17, 2021

 Chapter 10

Testing Benjamin 

On earth, believers are one in heart and mind. They share what they have. With great power the apostles testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. 

   Above, the archangel singles out Benjamin. "Tell us, where is the earth?

   The angel gives celestial coordinates, earth's proximity to prominent heavenly bodies, and the speed by which earth travels through space. 

   "And its foundation?"   "The foundation is laid by the Lord, Sir." 

   "Sustenance?"   "Earth is sustained by the Spirit of the Lord."  

   "How long will earth exist?"   "Until the Captain returns and reigns 1,000 years." 

   "And God's Word?"   "God's Word will never pass away, Sir." 

   Addressing the legions, the archangel continues: "The Lord is active in human life, working out his purposes. He has numbered the hairs on their heads, and he knows when a sparrow falls."  

   "As God of creation, he sees earth without partiality. In him there is no east or west, no north or south.  He is no respecter of persons." 

There is a way

   "Those born of the flesh are limited in understanding. They are outwitted by Satan. Their nature is to serve themselves, deceived by his lies." 

   "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the ends thereof are death. They can chose slavery, or choose to be free."

   "Adam knew God better than any, yet he failed in his choice. Men may climb every mountain of self-satisfaction, yet they are no closer to God. The Lord is merciful. He wills to forgive. His sacrifice is available to all ... but salvation is a choice."

   Benjamin asks, "Sir, wouldn't it help if punishment for sin was more immediate?" 

   "Remember," Benjamin. "Many who grumbled and complained in the desert were struck down directly. Their example had no lasting effect on the living. No. The Captain answers your question with a question: Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love with a gentle spirit?" 

Tomorrow: Final test


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