Monday, February 8, 2021

Chapter 6

 Schooling The Host  

While disciples and other followers mourn on the Sabbath, and conspirators relish their victory, the archangel assembles all 12 legions of The Host. There are no commands, no swords, no fire.

   But a lake of fire and brimstone burns in hell. "A fitting end it will be," the archangel lectures, "for Satan who exalts himself over everything that is called God ... and even proclaims himself God. His bitter roots trouble and defile many on earth. His only means of opposing God is to deceive men." 

   "Satan performs counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and every sort of evil that deceives men. Under powerful delusion, they refuse to love the truth." 

   "The truth is clear to us," respond numerous angels, incredulous that mortals have such difficulty. He explains, "Glory cannot be comprehended by human understanding. Obedient only to their five senses, men speak of matters they do not know."

   "Soon," he says, "it will be written in the Word: Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries. Those who shared in her luxury and committed sin with her will mourn. Under her magic spell, all nations were led astray." 

   The leader adds, "God will devour deceivers in the lake of fire, to be tormented forever. The unbelieving, the abominable, the sorcerers, the idolaters and all liars will join them in the lake." 

   "Your Captain lives! He is Almighty God, as you have known him. He will descend into the lower parts of the earth, in the Spirit, to a place of wrath. Because he is judge, both of the living and the dead, the Captain will preach the gospel even to the spirits of the dead."

Tomorrow: Archangel rallies The Host


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