Sunday, February 14, 2021

Did We Forget Something? 

   Most of us are prone to forgetfulness, especially yours truly. 

   We forget names, where we put the keys, or the umbrella. We forget who, what, when, where and why. Sometimes it is important, such as responsibilities. 

   This is a difficulty of history. In Isaiah 17:10, the Lord said, You have forgotten God your Savior; you have not remembered the Rock, your fortress. 

   We know who never forgets. Whenever the evil (Greek, unclean) spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, "You are the Son of God." Mark 3:11.    

   Our commentary says: Forgetting God happens now as well as then. Jesus warns that the worries of this life - the deceitfulness of wealth, the pursuit of material things and the pleasure of sin - can choke God's word in the lives of believers, and cause them to forget, to stop praying daily and no longer delight in him or his word. When this happens, we lose God's blessing and presence.

   We all can be distracted, not just by our pursuit of happiness, but pandemics, politics, family issues, ailments, car trouble, storms, power outages, accidents...  How about a bad hair day? 

   If we're not mistaken, the Bible reveals only two essential possessions - food and clothing. Even for those two necessities, God is the provider. 

   It's Sunday, the Lord's Day. We'll be at worship, thankful it is indoors, temperature controlled, and spend time - no matter what - relating with the One who knows how many hairs we have on our heads. Monday morning, if we can remember, we'll resume our spiritual relationship with him, no matter what. 


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