Saturday, February 20, 2021

Chapter 13 

Heaven...Calling Earth... 

Lead angel, Protector, raps the side of angel Benjamin's helmet. "You will go with me, behind the Captain. You will learn what cannot be learned in the safety of Paradise. Do you promise to obey the Captain with all your strength?" 

   "Yes Sir!" 

   "Then we are ready." Protector orders the 111th to attention. Facing the Captain... "Sir. You alone are righteous. Your servants await your order." 

   The battalion shouts in unison, "Today is the day of salvation!" Benjamin wonders if he is experiencing human emotion. 

   Into principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness they go. Through tribulation and distress and persecution speed the Captain and his warriors ... 300 strong plus one. 

   It doesn't take long. A voice: "The Savior is on earth." Cheers resound throughout heaven. 

   Benjamin eagerly observes what his training had taught. The badlands of Beelzebub lay before him. 

   The voice: In the desert prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God." 

   He sees mountains of malice and valleys of vanity. He overhears scoffers ... "Where is this coming of the Lord?" 

   Benjamin asks, "Is this what some call Babylon?" "Some do," Protector nods. "One day an angel will declare "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great." 

   Suddenly, Benjamin turns to his leader. "Sir, I now realize angels will never know what it means to be loved and forgiven." 

   Protector smiles.

Monday: Some will; some won't

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