Wednesday, February 3, 2021

 Chapter 4

Testing the Teacher   

Having taught his disciples to pray, as a defense against temptation, Jesus exhorts them in the last hours. From the upper room to the olive grove...

   Torches and lanterns bear witness to danger. Shadows, silhouettes and flickering light paint darkened olive trees.

   Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss? To the mob, he asks, Who is it you want? Jesus of Nazareth, they shout. 

   I am he, affirms the great I AM, while the Spirit's power sends them reeling to the ground. The Shepherd claims ownership of the sheep. Thieves and robbers come to steal. The Shepherd's teaching is accompanied by miracles. Miracles lead to debates. Debates threaten the status quo. 

   In righteous anger this week, he spilled tables of the money changers, and drove sellers out of the house of prayer. This trouble maker can be tolerated no longer. No one understands. The Shepherd's Way is to lose, in order to win. 

   Murder requires the authority of Rome. And the "trial" accomplished quickly, under cover of darkness. 

Disciples resist  

   Sunday, they will be transformed. This is Thursday night, and their response is worldly. Always impulsive, Peter draws a sword. Shall we strike? Without waiting for permission, he swings wildly, cutting off an ear of the high priest's servant. 

   Put your sword away. Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me? Never mind that Peter's master restores the ear. Soldiers and Jewish officials arrest the Nazarene and bind him.  

   Heaven's battalion is under orders merely to surround their Captain ... still in the flesh. It's an agonizing command. They don't fully understand the mystery of the ages. 

Tomorrow: They will be challenged 

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