Tuesday, February 9, 2021

But Glory!  

A large stone remains sealed over the tomb. Disciples hide, crushed in defeat. 

   Above, the archangel explains to The Host: "The wrath of God is against all unrighteousness. He judges according to truth, not inclinations." 

   Of the fallen world below, he adds, "They are without strength. Sinful desires war against the soul." 

   "But, Glory!" he shouts. "The Lord knows how to rescue believers, while holding the unrighteous for the day of judgment. It is fitting that their Lord, our Captain, be made perfect by bodily death, that he might destroy him who has the power of death - Lucifer - and free all who are held in slavery by fear of death." 

   With arms and voice raised, he expounds, "Your Captain was rich, yet for their sakes he became poor, that by his poverty, they might become rich. He who had no sin was made sin for them - a ransom! - so that mortals, having nothing, yet have everything!" 

   "Truth is his Glory! ... and to you it is revealed."

   "You have always known," the archangel says, "no mortal ... no, not one ... is righteous. None perfectly obey the directions put into effect through angels by Moses. The law is good. It identifies transgressions. It cannot impart ... spiritual life ... or moral strength. It has been a tutor until this hour. Faith in the slain Lamb of God is now ... now ... the path of life! ... forever more. The Lord became a curse ... for them. He will rise! ... not to reward appearances ... but to live with men and circumcise their hearts."  

   Thunderous praise explodes throughout the legions of angels. The leader concludes, "This is the power of God! ... the power to save all who believe ... having faith in what their Lord has done for them ... who acknowledge their weakness and his strength."       

   "Attention."       2 million, 73 thousand, 600 warriors rise as one. 

   "This is the mystery of God. Your Captain, known as the Christ, is he in whom are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge. He has triumphed!"

   "All Glory to God!" The Host roars. 

Tomorrow: The 111th battalion receives their Captain


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