Monday, February 15, 2021

Chapter 9

Beginnings of the Age 

While disciples begin sharing the good news, angels begin training for the age of God's emerging church. 

   The Creator has begun something new as well. He himself comes to newly saved mortals ... the saints ... Spirit upon spirit, as Jesus had done for his disciples. Fellowship of God and man. Mysterious indeed. 

   He is already at work on behalf of those spiritually washed in his blood.

   And the archangel shouts: 

   "Praise the Lord, you his mighty angels." 

   "Praise the Lord! Sir! thunder the legions.

   Angels learn that until the Lord banishes Satan, they will be called upon to penetrate enemy fortresses. They will also minister on behalf of God's children. 

   They learn why the battalion closest to the Captain is numbered 111 ... one God, three Persons ... Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

   Angels well know the powers of heaven and hell, good and evil, light and dark. They struggle to understand the nature of mankind. Who can fathom the mysterious in-between, the murky middle occupied by mortals? 

   Nor can mortals fully understand the three-in-one. Or other knowledge that eludes them. The message of the cross will be foolish to those who are perishing, but to those being saved, it is the power of God. Those looking for miraculous signs and proof will be frustrated.

   The archangel explains, "Your Captain, in the flesh crucified and risen to Life, is the power of God and the wisdom of God. Those who believe on faith will be taught to trust and obey." 

Tomorrow: Writing on their hearts

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