Wednesday, February 10, 2021

 Chapter 7

Not by Thunder   

The 111th battalion lies prostrate among the tombs. Angels remember when the Lord asked Moses, How long will you refuse to keep my commands and my instructions? 

   They had served at Sinai causing thunder and lightning, loud trumpet blasts, billowing smoke and fire, the whole mountain trembling violently. And the Lord descended.

   Today, at daybreak, a violent earthquake signals the end and the beginning. Three hundred angel warriors spring to attention. A heavenly angel, appearing like lightning, rolls back the heavy stone. Guards faint, as if dead. 

   This tomb is empty. The Lord has ascended. 

   Mary of Magdala arrives first to help prepare the body for burial. She runs to tell Peter and John. They race to see. Peter is confused. John sees the linens folded neatly. They leave. 

   Mary remains. Crying. She notices a "gardener." Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for? "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where, and I will get him." 


   Breathlessly, she hurries again to all the disciples. They don't believe her. 

   Now, it's evening. Disciples are together behind locked doors. He appears, showing them his wounds. As the Light gradually dawns in their hearts, they are overjoyed. 

   Peace be with you. As the father has sent me, I am sending you.

   With that he breathes on them ... Receive the Holy Spirit.  

Tomorrow: How can we believe?

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