Thursday, February 11, 2021

Free to Believe  

For a period, the risen Lord enlightens his disciples and reveals himself to several hundred chosen witnesses. 

   Above, Benjamin, the angel who has yet to visit earth, seeks enlightenment about this new gospel, the good news. "Since humans have not seen heaven, how can they know?" he asks his mentor, Prophet. "Without seeing Jesus with their eyes, how will they believe? At first, even his disciples didn't believe Mary, an eye witness."

   "God has given descendants of Abraham the Word of the prophets, and now, evidence of the fulfillment of many prophecies," Prophet explains. "Soon, he will send those Jesus is commissioning to carry the truth from Jerusalem to the nations." 

   "In time, preachers, teachers, missionaries - and millions of new believers - will carry or send the gospel to the ends of the earth, making disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus will be with them to the end of the age." 

   "What concerns me," Benjamin admits, "I foresee flesh and spirit in conflict." 

   "Exactly," Prophet agrees. "The inclination of their hearts and the deceptions of evil will work against them. But the Lord is mighty to save! He will not force any mortal - or angel - to enjoy eternal life. For souls who believe on faith, and trust and obey, there awaits a wonderous future. They will think they are choosing him, but he is God who calls."

   "The power of the cross will seem like foolishness to many. God has said, 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and frustrate the intelligence of the intelligent.' Any other foundation that men lay will be revealed on judgment day, with fire." 

   "Remember, Benjamin. Angels were with God ... and many rebelled. The Lord will shame them through faith of the mortals, my angelic friend. Faith!"   

 Tomorrow: The joyful reunion 


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