Saturday, February 6, 2021

 Chapter 5

Paying My Debt  

As he waits for Jesus to be disrobed and laid on the wood, a husky soldier from Rome curses the day he was born. Friends had drawn seashore and other good deployments. Here he is, serving Caesar on the hill of the skull. "Aauuggh!"

   It's Friday. His hammer poised... 

   The centurion looks away ... Tormenter is amused ... Protector winces ...

   A large nail secures both feet ... feet once wet with tears of a repentant woman ... now wet with blood. Next, the cross piece. Blood squirts from a hand that held the symbolic cup at supper. 

This is my blood of the covenant.  (Mark 14) 

   Finally, the hand that welcomed children, and beckoned the weary to come for rest. Avoiding eye contact, the soldier positions a third nail and drives it through.   

They have pierced my hands and feet.  (Psalm 22)

   Hours pass. Fresh drops fall on dried blood. Jesus prays. 

Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they do. 

   Some - not all - priests and others revile him. "If you are the Son of God, come down and save yourself." 

I am scorned and despised by the people.  (Psalm 22)  

   Mary, John and a few others see him, and weep. Soldiers cast lots for his clothing, as prophesied centuries ago. 

I am poured out like water; my heart has turned to wax.  (Psalm 22) 

  It is finished. 

   Jesus gives up his spirit. 

   From top to bottom, an angel tears the temple curtain to expose the inner sanctuary. The Most Holy Place above will open to all who repent and believe. 

   The Host and all the assembly lie prostrate. Below, a soldier pierces the sacrificial Lamb of God to confirm his death. His sword also pierces Mary's soul. 

   God obliges lovers of darkness with a mid-day blackout. Earthquakes split rocks in two. A shaken centurion exclaims, "Surely this was the Son of God."  

   The written code has perished with the body. Good principles and human teaching lack value in restraining sensual indulgence. The body now being removed has served its divine purpose, blood accepted as penalty enough for the sins of the world. 



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