Friday, February 19, 2021

Chapter 12

Let the Joy Begin 

After his suffering, Jesus shows himself and gives many convincing proofs that he is alive. He appears to them over a period of 40 days and teaches about the kingdom of God. While gathered on the Mount of Olives, where he had been arrested, they ask, "Lord, are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" 

   It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem ... and to the ends of the earth.  

   He is taken up before their eyes, and a cloud hides him from their sight. He returns to the city of God, where multitudes now have him in their sight, while a celestial choir sings ... I will sing of my Redeemer ...  

   Behold, I make all things new. A man no longer aged and wracked with pain exalts, "He who promised is faithful." Another, whose citizenship in heaven is now complete, marvels over the mercies of God. "Praise him, praise him" shouts a soul whose tent had given way to cancer. 

                     ... All hail the power of Jesus name ...

   Behold, I make all things new. "Hallelujah! God is good!" proclaims a woman who had been paralyzed many years. Hundreds become thousands. Acclaim. Cheers. Exaltation. Ovation. Praise. Celebration. Love, peace and joy abound.      

                                  ... Jesus paid it all ...

   Behold, I make all things new. A man stoned to death for his faith enters the gate. Running to catch up with him is a soldier who had left his legs on the battlefield. They are walking and leaping and praising God. Close by is a one time criminal, born again by the Spirit of freedom, arm in arm with his former jailer. 

                             ... O for a closer walk with Thee ... 

   Angels give honored positions to the redeemed who had overcome. Among them are the souls beheaded for their witness. And teenagers whose church bus had overturned. Because you confessed me before men, I confess you before angels and my Father. 

   "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord," exclaims an angel. "Come before his presence with singing. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. His mercy is everlasting and his truth endures forever!" 

   The Good Shepherd still seeks wayword lambs. The Captain and his battalion have another mission to earth. Benjamin will join them. 


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