Saturday, February 27, 2021

Common Sense in a Senseless World 

   A documentary is streaming on YouTube, with Thomas Sowell, during Black History Month. 

   Over his 60-year career, Sowell has chosen reality over theory regardless of whom reality might offend. He never accommodates the times. 

   His honesty is rare these days. He says, "If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled as a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today." 

   Sowell grew up in the South, and in his early 20s he was a Marxist. No one convinced him those ideas are harmful to the black community. It was his own experience in the U.S. Department of Labor. Working for the government, he saw nothing but mischief in the welfare system and policies rooted in identity politics. 

   When asked what changed his mind about liberalism, he answers, "Facts." 

   He loses patience with sweeping visions, such as how to improve society. He says, "There are no solutions; there are only trade-offs."  

   Our nation desperately needs truth tellers. Shouldn't everybody?

WORLD magazine


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Will Angels Rejoice? 

As the man deliberates alone, truthfully he is far from alone. 

   Benjamin, the angel on the scene is thinking. He knows mortals don't earn their way to heaven. The power of the Son offers everything they need for life and godliness. The effects of sin, though forgiven, may not be easily erased. The Holy Spirit comes to help the "children" grow in their faith, knowledge, self-control, perseverance and above all, love.  

   The angel knows that men and women surrender with humility and simple trust. They will grow to love the Lord their God with all their heart and soul and mind, and love their neighbors as themselves. If they eagerly make their calling sure, they will never fall, and there will be a rich welcome in the eternal kingdom.    

   He returns to the matter at hand, not surprised that Satan and his deceivers have fled, like tumbleweed before a gale. Angels have seen this victory millions of times.

   The man in the motel must want the Way, the Truth and the Life. There are no puppets in the kingdom of God.

And then...  

It is Friday.     >   There is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness...

It is Friday, February 26.     >   They will learn to practice truth...     

It is Friday, February 26, 2021.    >   Their new life will belong to the Lord...

Someone is at a computer, or a cell phone.     >   They will be tested...

Someone is praying for someone who is reading THE CAPTAIN & THE HOST.

Love is calling again

Believe in me ... Come ...


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

 Chapter 15

Bible and Gun 

Before his closing prayer, the pastor assures, "You don't have to look for the Lord; he is looking for you. And he reveals himself to those who fear him." 

   The two men exit church, exchange small talk, and part ways. Now troubled with mixed thoughts, and this fork in the spiritual road, the man thinks, "I'm no more sinner than church people. Anyway, even if there is a God, I'm not good enough." He is tired, depressed and ... fed up! 

   Jesus doesn't want his goodness, only his repentance. A heavenly choir joins the battle:

Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand,

I am tired, I am weak, I am worn. 

Through the storm, through the night, lead me on, to the right,

Take my hand, Precious Lord, lead me home.

   The demon takes his hand. He removes his pistol from the glove compartment and checks into a motel. His mood is as dark as the moonless night. Sitting on the bed, his finger finds the trigger ... the barrel touches his temple.

   His eyes see a Bible on the nightstand. He stares for a long minute ... lays the gun on the bed, resting his hand on it ... and with the other hand pulls God's Word onto his lap. He randomly opens to passage after passage, each one seeming to call attention to itself. 

   Freedom comes from the Spirit of the living God. Resist the devil and he will flee. Humble yourself before the Lord. He cares for you. 

   The very words quoted by the pastor. "Is God real? Have I been deceived?"

Tomorrow: Will angels rejoice?



Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Chapter 14

Will Love Win?  

Satan locates himself between the stray sheep and the Good Shepherd, between his demons and the 111th battalion. Dark as spiritual dragons are, he can't be seen. 

   The prince of the air is furious. He was long ago defeated by the blood of the Lamb. His only cause is to blind as many souls as possible, until his time is up. His ways are well known throughout the realm.    Steal!    Kill!    Destroy!  

   Going to the cross was not easy for Jesus. Believing in the cross is not easy for mortals, especially grownups. All these 20 centuries since his first mission, Benjamin still marvels at the patience and Love of God.  

   The demon assigned to this man has led him to rely on his instincts, desires and abilities. He has been failed by some, and himself failed others. His success provides no lasting joy. His riches never enough. Socially he drinks, only to be thirsty again. And again. 

   His deep need is unconditional love, but for him love has always been conditional. Little does he know that the Rock of ages, love, mercy and grace is knocking on his heart. A celestial choir begins to sing, On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand...

   A friend invites him to hear his pastor. What could it hurt? he reasons.

   "Freedom comes from the Spirit of the Living God." I'm a free man, he thinks. 

   "Resist the devil and he will flee from you."  The devil? Come on, he chuckles.

   "Humble yourself before the Lord. He cares for you." Oh, sure, he sniffs.

   As the church choir and worshippers sing Amazing Grace, the man hesitates ... thinks ... regrets ... admits ... wonders. The confident demon begins to scowl.

Tomorrow: A Bible and a gun


Monday, February 22, 2021

  Some Will; Some Won't  

As the Captain and his battalion stealthily pass for Benjamin's learning, another mountain looms ... built by followers after riches, foolish and harmful desires. People eager for luxury have wandered far from the faith, piercing themselves with many griefs.

   The Voice: "Every mountain and hill will be made low. Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and springs of water." 

   "He is kind to the unthankful and the evil. Love your enemies, as children of the Highest." 

   Over rocks of worry, fear and doubt: "The rugged places will be a plain." Over carnal canyons and jungles of jealousy: "He who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God." 

   Benjamin sees humans who think they are saved, but far from it. They concede the Name, but refuse to surrender. The angel would help, but only the Captain has authority to say, Follow me. 

   Now over the wreckage of war, Benjamin sees darkness, but also spiritual light; righteous acts, but multiple sins; true worshippers, but many pretenders. He sees the humble and the prideful; the meek and the arrogant; those thirsting for righteousness and those satisfied with carelessness. 

   He witnesses the pure in heart and the contaminated; peacemakers and troublemakers, the persecuted and their offenders. The hot, lukewarm and cold.

   Benjamin learns that sufficient Light is given to man, and darkness cannot overcome it ... without collaboration. 

   A praying grandmother has led the Captain to her loved one. All stop. Between the mission and the man - a foul spirit. Satan. Old Lucifer himself.

Tuesday: Will love win out?

Sunday, February 21, 2021

 Troubles in Texas 

   We sympathize with Texans. We think of them as responsible, hard working, independent people. But a record-setting winter freeze overwhelmed their power industry, including green-energy windmills which froze. 

   The absence of electric power, drinkable water, and homes flooded by broken pipes has thrown some people back into the early 1800s. Some tried to keep warm in their cars or trucks, but unless they could gas up... Grocery stores are closed or open but with empty shelves. Some died from carbon monoxide.  

   A hurricane allows time to think. A once-in-a-century freeze is not fair.

   We feel for them, and we feel a little guilty. Then again, next hurricane season it might be us. 

The Captain

   We are coming to the day of decision, with the Lord seeking another soul. He is willing. Is the man? Don't assume anything. Tomorrow, Satan might oppose the Captain. For those of you who read the last page of a book first, forget it. Thursday, our surprise ending. 


   What words in the Bible can be both terrifying and comforting? 

How about, The Lord has spoken. 




Saturday, February 20, 2021

Chapter 13 

Heaven...Calling Earth... 

Lead angel, Protector, raps the side of angel Benjamin's helmet. "You will go with me, behind the Captain. You will learn what cannot be learned in the safety of Paradise. Do you promise to obey the Captain with all your strength?" 

   "Yes Sir!" 

   "Then we are ready." Protector orders the 111th to attention. Facing the Captain... "Sir. You alone are righteous. Your servants await your order." 

   The battalion shouts in unison, "Today is the day of salvation!" Benjamin wonders if he is experiencing human emotion. 

   Into principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness they go. Through tribulation and distress and persecution speed the Captain and his warriors ... 300 strong plus one. 

   It doesn't take long. A voice: "The Savior is on earth." Cheers resound throughout heaven. 

   Benjamin eagerly observes what his training had taught. The badlands of Beelzebub lay before him. 

   The voice: In the desert prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God." 

   He sees mountains of malice and valleys of vanity. He overhears scoffers ... "Where is this coming of the Lord?" 

   Benjamin asks, "Is this what some call Babylon?" "Some do," Protector nods. "One day an angel will declare "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great." 

   Suddenly, Benjamin turns to his leader. "Sir, I now realize angels will never know what it means to be loved and forgiven." 

   Protector smiles.

Monday: Some will; some won't

Friday, February 19, 2021

Chapter 12

Let the Joy Begin 

After his suffering, Jesus shows himself and gives many convincing proofs that he is alive. He appears to them over a period of 40 days and teaches about the kingdom of God. While gathered on the Mount of Olives, where he had been arrested, they ask, "Lord, are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" 

   It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem ... and to the ends of the earth.  

   He is taken up before their eyes, and a cloud hides him from their sight. He returns to the city of God, where multitudes now have him in their sight, while a celestial choir sings ... I will sing of my Redeemer ...  

   Behold, I make all things new. A man no longer aged and wracked with pain exalts, "He who promised is faithful." Another, whose citizenship in heaven is now complete, marvels over the mercies of God. "Praise him, praise him" shouts a soul whose tent had given way to cancer. 

                     ... All hail the power of Jesus name ...

   Behold, I make all things new. "Hallelujah! God is good!" proclaims a woman who had been paralyzed many years. Hundreds become thousands. Acclaim. Cheers. Exaltation. Ovation. Praise. Celebration. Love, peace and joy abound.      

                                  ... Jesus paid it all ...

   Behold, I make all things new. A man stoned to death for his faith enters the gate. Running to catch up with him is a soldier who had left his legs on the battlefield. They are walking and leaping and praising God. Close by is a one time criminal, born again by the Spirit of freedom, arm in arm with his former jailer. 

                             ... O for a closer walk with Thee ... 

   Angels give honored positions to the redeemed who had overcome. Among them are the souls beheaded for their witness. And teenagers whose church bus had overturned. Because you confessed me before men, I confess you before angels and my Father. 

   "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord," exclaims an angel. "Come before his presence with singing. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. His mercy is everlasting and his truth endures forever!" 

   The Good Shepherd still seeks wayword lambs. The Captain and his battalion have another mission to earth. Benjamin will join them. 


Thursday, February 18, 2021

 Chapter 11

Prep for Warfare 

While persecuted Christians flee Jerusalem, taking good news throughout the Empire, angels receive final preparation for inevitable warfare. 

   Benjamin's test is one among many. The archangel challenges his knowledge.

   "Many live as..."   enemies of the cross.

   "Their destiny is..."   destruction.

   "Their glory is..."   their shame

   "Scripture is cleverly invented."   Scripture is the Word of the Lord

   "Disciples carried his body away."   He arose by the power of God.

   "God is dead."   Jesus lives!  

   "Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of heaven."

         Only he who does the will of my Father.

   "God loves to punish sinners."

          I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that they turn and live.

   "Who said, 'I have sent my angel to give you this testimony?'"    Jesus!

   "Come unto me."     Jesus!

   "Whoever is thirsty, let him come."     Jesus

   "Whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.     Jesus!

   "Yes, I am coming soon."     Jesus

   Testing complete, the angels erupt with shouts, "His will be done!" 

Tomorrow: Joy in Paradise

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

 Chapter 10

Testing Benjamin 

On earth, believers are one in heart and mind. They share what they have. With great power the apostles testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. 

   Above, the archangel singles out Benjamin. "Tell us, where is the earth?

   The angel gives celestial coordinates, earth's proximity to prominent heavenly bodies, and the speed by which earth travels through space. 

   "And its foundation?"   "The foundation is laid by the Lord, Sir." 

   "Sustenance?"   "Earth is sustained by the Spirit of the Lord."  

   "How long will earth exist?"   "Until the Captain returns and reigns 1,000 years." 

   "And God's Word?"   "God's Word will never pass away, Sir." 

   Addressing the legions, the archangel continues: "The Lord is active in human life, working out his purposes. He has numbered the hairs on their heads, and he knows when a sparrow falls."  

   "As God of creation, he sees earth without partiality. In him there is no east or west, no north or south.  He is no respecter of persons." 

There is a way

   "Those born of the flesh are limited in understanding. They are outwitted by Satan. Their nature is to serve themselves, deceived by his lies." 

   "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the ends thereof are death. They can chose slavery, or choose to be free."

   "Adam knew God better than any, yet he failed in his choice. Men may climb every mountain of self-satisfaction, yet they are no closer to God. The Lord is merciful. He wills to forgive. His sacrifice is available to all ... but salvation is a choice."

   Benjamin asks, "Sir, wouldn't it help if punishment for sin was more immediate?" 

   "Remember," Benjamin. "Many who grumbled and complained in the desert were struck down directly. Their example had no lasting effect on the living. No. The Captain answers your question with a question: Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love with a gentle spirit?" 

Tomorrow: Final test


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

 Writing Laws on Hearts 

Angel training continues. Aware that angels want to know what is man that Almighty God is mindful of him, the archangel explains:

   "Men are not evolved out of nothing. God created them, with eternity in mind. He directly gave his Word to Abraham and by prophets to his descendants. The Lord provided extraordinary miracles and commandments. He defeated their enemies ... everything to demonstrate they are his people and he is their God.

   "Many worshipped him, entering the Promised Land. They were succeeded by descendants who cared little about the history of slavery and Sinai. They chose to follow their own ways. They quarreled among themselves. There was and is always a remnant of believers.  

   "What was written in the past was written to teach, so that through the encouragement of Scriptures they might have hope. Following his resurrection, your Captain now dwells with believers by the Holy Spirit, to write his law - not on stone tablets - but on their hearts. Still to come, more of his written Word. 

   "Almighty God loves his creation. At his appointed time, which you have witnessed, he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. He is willing to forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more, the world over. 

   "All believers now are one in the Messiah (Greek: Christ), neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female. He is in all ... circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian or Scythian."

   In the assembly, Benjamin doesn't fully understand. Hearing about God's love, why would anyone reject eternal life? He wonders. How could mortals refuse the unsearchable riches of God's mercy, his great love made alive in the Messiah? The angel then asks himself, what exactly is this love? Yes. What is love?  

   While he and fellow angels ponder, Satan's fellow deceivers cover the earth in spiritual darkness, insofar as God permits. 

Tomorrow: Testing Benjamin

Monday, February 15, 2021

Chapter 9

Beginnings of the Age 

While disciples begin sharing the good news, angels begin training for the age of God's emerging church. 

   The Creator has begun something new as well. He himself comes to newly saved mortals ... the saints ... Spirit upon spirit, as Jesus had done for his disciples. Fellowship of God and man. Mysterious indeed. 

   He is already at work on behalf of those spiritually washed in his blood.

   And the archangel shouts: 

   "Praise the Lord, you his mighty angels." 

   "Praise the Lord! Sir! thunder the legions.

   Angels learn that until the Lord banishes Satan, they will be called upon to penetrate enemy fortresses. They will also minister on behalf of God's children. 

   They learn why the battalion closest to the Captain is numbered 111 ... one God, three Persons ... Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

   Angels well know the powers of heaven and hell, good and evil, light and dark. They struggle to understand the nature of mankind. Who can fathom the mysterious in-between, the murky middle occupied by mortals? 

   Nor can mortals fully understand the three-in-one. Or other knowledge that eludes them. The message of the cross will be foolish to those who are perishing, but to those being saved, it is the power of God. Those looking for miraculous signs and proof will be frustrated.

   The archangel explains, "Your Captain, in the flesh crucified and risen to Life, is the power of God and the wisdom of God. Those who believe on faith will be taught to trust and obey." 

Tomorrow: Writing on their hearts

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Did We Forget Something? 

   Most of us are prone to forgetfulness, especially yours truly. 

   We forget names, where we put the keys, or the umbrella. We forget who, what, when, where and why. Sometimes it is important, such as responsibilities. 

   This is a difficulty of history. In Isaiah 17:10, the Lord said, You have forgotten God your Savior; you have not remembered the Rock, your fortress. 

   We know who never forgets. Whenever the evil (Greek, unclean) spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, "You are the Son of God." Mark 3:11.    

   Our commentary says: Forgetting God happens now as well as then. Jesus warns that the worries of this life - the deceitfulness of wealth, the pursuit of material things and the pleasure of sin - can choke God's word in the lives of believers, and cause them to forget, to stop praying daily and no longer delight in him or his word. When this happens, we lose God's blessing and presence.

   We all can be distracted, not just by our pursuit of happiness, but pandemics, politics, family issues, ailments, car trouble, storms, power outages, accidents...  How about a bad hair day? 

   If we're not mistaken, the Bible reveals only two essential possessions - food and clothing. Even for those two necessities, God is the provider. 

   It's Sunday, the Lord's Day. We'll be at worship, thankful it is indoors, temperature controlled, and spend time - no matter what - relating with the One who knows how many hairs we have on our heads. Monday morning, if we can remember, we'll resume our spiritual relationship with him, no matter what. 


Saturday, February 13, 2021

 Worthy Is the Lamb  

Seeing no one qualified to open a scroll, John weeps and weeps. One of the elders says, "Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed!" 

   Next, John in his vision sees a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne. The Lamb is encircled by the living creatures and the elders. Each one has a harp and they hold golden bowls of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. 

   And they sing a new song:  

   You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals. Because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.  

   Then John hears the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircle the throne. In a loud voice they sing:

   Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise.

   And John hears every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea and all that is in them, singing: 

   To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and ever. 

   And the elders fall down and worship.

Monday: Angels train for new assignments


Friday, February 12, 2021

Chapter 8

To His Realm 

Having been to the deepest depth, Jesus ascends to the highest heaven, so as to fulfill all things. 

   One Lord - through whom all things came into being, and through whom mortals have hope of life eternal - is returning to his throne. 

   Awaiting with all of heaven, Prophet is inspired to shout: 

        "Death is swallowed up in victory! God exalted him to the highest.

         His name is above every name! Every knee will bow before him!"

Jubilation explodes! 

~ ~ ~

   Years later, the last living disciple is favored with a vision of the throne ... perhaps an inspiration of the homecoming itself. 

   John sees someone on the throne, with the appearance of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an emerald encircles the throne. There are 24 other thrones, with 24 elders on them. They are dressed in white and wear crowns of gold. 

   From the throne come flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. Seven lamps are blazing, the sevenfold spirit of God. John sees before the throne what looks like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. 

   Living creatures continue: 

   Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.  

   The living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives forever and ever. The elders fall down before him and worship. They lay their golden crowns before the throne, saying:

   You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory, and honor and power. For you created all things, and by your will they have their being.

Continued Saturday

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Free to Believe  

For a period, the risen Lord enlightens his disciples and reveals himself to several hundred chosen witnesses. 

   Above, Benjamin, the angel who has yet to visit earth, seeks enlightenment about this new gospel, the good news. "Since humans have not seen heaven, how can they know?" he asks his mentor, Prophet. "Without seeing Jesus with their eyes, how will they believe? At first, even his disciples didn't believe Mary, an eye witness."

   "God has given descendants of Abraham the Word of the prophets, and now, evidence of the fulfillment of many prophecies," Prophet explains. "Soon, he will send those Jesus is commissioning to carry the truth from Jerusalem to the nations." 

   "In time, preachers, teachers, missionaries - and millions of new believers - will carry or send the gospel to the ends of the earth, making disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus will be with them to the end of the age." 

   "What concerns me," Benjamin admits, "I foresee flesh and spirit in conflict." 

   "Exactly," Prophet agrees. "The inclination of their hearts and the deceptions of evil will work against them. But the Lord is mighty to save! He will not force any mortal - or angel - to enjoy eternal life. For souls who believe on faith, and trust and obey, there awaits a wonderous future. They will think they are choosing him, but he is God who calls."

   "The power of the cross will seem like foolishness to many. God has said, 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and frustrate the intelligence of the intelligent.' Any other foundation that men lay will be revealed on judgment day, with fire." 

   "Remember, Benjamin. Angels were with God ... and many rebelled. The Lord will shame them through faith of the mortals, my angelic friend. Faith!"   

 Tomorrow: The joyful reunion 


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

 Chapter 7

Not by Thunder   

The 111th battalion lies prostrate among the tombs. Angels remember when the Lord asked Moses, How long will you refuse to keep my commands and my instructions? 

   They had served at Sinai causing thunder and lightning, loud trumpet blasts, billowing smoke and fire, the whole mountain trembling violently. And the Lord descended.

   Today, at daybreak, a violent earthquake signals the end and the beginning. Three hundred angel warriors spring to attention. A heavenly angel, appearing like lightning, rolls back the heavy stone. Guards faint, as if dead. 

   This tomb is empty. The Lord has ascended. 

   Mary of Magdala arrives first to help prepare the body for burial. She runs to tell Peter and John. They race to see. Peter is confused. John sees the linens folded neatly. They leave. 

   Mary remains. Crying. She notices a "gardener." Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for? "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where, and I will get him." 


   Breathlessly, she hurries again to all the disciples. They don't believe her. 

   Now, it's evening. Disciples are together behind locked doors. He appears, showing them his wounds. As the Light gradually dawns in their hearts, they are overjoyed. 

   Peace be with you. As the father has sent me, I am sending you.

   With that he breathes on them ... Receive the Holy Spirit.  

Tomorrow: How can we believe?

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

But Glory!  

A large stone remains sealed over the tomb. Disciples hide, crushed in defeat. 

   Above, the archangel explains to The Host: "The wrath of God is against all unrighteousness. He judges according to truth, not inclinations." 

   Of the fallen world below, he adds, "They are without strength. Sinful desires war against the soul." 

   "But, Glory!" he shouts. "The Lord knows how to rescue believers, while holding the unrighteous for the day of judgment. It is fitting that their Lord, our Captain, be made perfect by bodily death, that he might destroy him who has the power of death - Lucifer - and free all who are held in slavery by fear of death." 

   With arms and voice raised, he expounds, "Your Captain was rich, yet for their sakes he became poor, that by his poverty, they might become rich. He who had no sin was made sin for them - a ransom! - so that mortals, having nothing, yet have everything!" 

   "Truth is his Glory! ... and to you it is revealed."

   "You have always known," the archangel says, "no mortal ... no, not one ... is righteous. None perfectly obey the directions put into effect through angels by Moses. The law is good. It identifies transgressions. It cannot impart ... spiritual life ... or moral strength. It has been a tutor until this hour. Faith in the slain Lamb of God is now ... now ... the path of life! ... forever more. The Lord became a curse ... for them. He will rise! ... not to reward appearances ... but to live with men and circumcise their hearts."  

   Thunderous praise explodes throughout the legions of angels. The leader concludes, "This is the power of God! ... the power to save all who believe ... having faith in what their Lord has done for them ... who acknowledge their weakness and his strength."       

   "Attention."       2 million, 73 thousand, 600 warriors rise as one. 

   "This is the mystery of God. Your Captain, known as the Christ, is he in whom are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge. He has triumphed!"

   "All Glory to God!" The Host roars. 

Tomorrow: The 111th battalion receives their Captain


Monday, February 8, 2021

Chapter 6

 Schooling The Host  

While disciples and other followers mourn on the Sabbath, and conspirators relish their victory, the archangel assembles all 12 legions of The Host. There are no commands, no swords, no fire.

   But a lake of fire and brimstone burns in hell. "A fitting end it will be," the archangel lectures, "for Satan who exalts himself over everything that is called God ... and even proclaims himself God. His bitter roots trouble and defile many on earth. His only means of opposing God is to deceive men." 

   "Satan performs counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and every sort of evil that deceives men. Under powerful delusion, they refuse to love the truth." 

   "The truth is clear to us," respond numerous angels, incredulous that mortals have such difficulty. He explains, "Glory cannot be comprehended by human understanding. Obedient only to their five senses, men speak of matters they do not know."

   "Soon," he says, "it will be written in the Word: Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries. Those who shared in her luxury and committed sin with her will mourn. Under her magic spell, all nations were led astray." 

   The leader adds, "God will devour deceivers in the lake of fire, to be tormented forever. The unbelieving, the abominable, the sorcerers, the idolaters and all liars will join them in the lake." 

   "Your Captain lives! He is Almighty God, as you have known him. He will descend into the lower parts of the earth, in the Spirit, to a place of wrath. Because he is judge, both of the living and the dead, the Captain will preach the gospel even to the spirits of the dead."

Tomorrow: Archangel rallies The Host


Sunday, February 7, 2021

 God's Attributes

From the devotional, Be Still and Know 

   Infinite God is incomprehensible to finite man. It is impossible to understand all that God is and does. He is God. We are not. His ways and thoughts are higher than our own. We can ponder some of his attributes. 

   God is omniscient. He is the all knowing Creator. God laid the earth's foundation and set the constellations in their places. At the same time, he knows the number of hairs on our heads. Science only discovers what Creator God knew from the beginning. 

   God is omnipresent. He is everywhere. He sees all. We cannot flee from his presence. This is comforting when we feel alone yet sobering when we attempt to run from him. 

   God is omnipotent. He is all powerful. He spoke creation into existence. The sun rises and sets at his command. He is sovereign over life and death. God's power raised Jesus from the dead. 

   As we ponder God's attributes, we are compelled to place our trust in him. He alone is worthy.                                                               Psalm 139:1, 7, 13


NOTES: Readers of THE CAPTAIN & THE HOST, if you missed Friday and Saturday, please scroll back and read those two pages, if nothing else. 

Also, we have changed the headline for Monday, Jesus' visit to Hades. We still include that mysterious event, found only in 1 Peter chapter 3. There is more than one interpretation by Bible scholars. Even if we understand it, Peter doesn't say for certain when this took place. 


Tonight, 30,000 cardboard "fans" will watch the Super Bowl, free admission. None will social distance or wear masks or spread the virus, or know who won.  



Saturday, February 6, 2021

 Chapter 5

Paying My Debt  

As he waits for Jesus to be disrobed and laid on the wood, a husky soldier from Rome curses the day he was born. Friends had drawn seashore and other good deployments. Here he is, serving Caesar on the hill of the skull. "Aauuggh!"

   It's Friday. His hammer poised... 

   The centurion looks away ... Tormenter is amused ... Protector winces ...

   A large nail secures both feet ... feet once wet with tears of a repentant woman ... now wet with blood. Next, the cross piece. Blood squirts from a hand that held the symbolic cup at supper. 

This is my blood of the covenant.  (Mark 14) 

   Finally, the hand that welcomed children, and beckoned the weary to come for rest. Avoiding eye contact, the soldier positions a third nail and drives it through.   

They have pierced my hands and feet.  (Psalm 22)

   Hours pass. Fresh drops fall on dried blood. Jesus prays. 

Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they do. 

   Some - not all - priests and others revile him. "If you are the Son of God, come down and save yourself." 

I am scorned and despised by the people.  (Psalm 22)  

   Mary, John and a few others see him, and weep. Soldiers cast lots for his clothing, as prophesied centuries ago. 

I am poured out like water; my heart has turned to wax.  (Psalm 22) 

  It is finished. 

   Jesus gives up his spirit. 

   From top to bottom, an angel tears the temple curtain to expose the inner sanctuary. The Most Holy Place above will open to all who repent and believe. 

   The Host and all the assembly lie prostrate. Below, a soldier pierces the sacrificial Lamb of God to confirm his death. His sword also pierces Mary's soul. 

   God obliges lovers of darkness with a mid-day blackout. Earthquakes split rocks in two. A shaken centurion exclaims, "Surely this was the Son of God."  

   The written code has perished with the body. Good principles and human teaching lack value in restraining sensual indulgence. The body now being removed has served its divine purpose, blood accepted as penalty enough for the sins of the world. 



Friday, February 5, 2021

Who Will Believe?  

Assuming that scourging will satisfy the mob, Pilate orders guards to do it, while he retreats to wash his hands. 

   "No one will believe in him," Tormenter resumes taunting. "We planted religions and gods all over the world to appeal to mortals. Who will worship a god whipped by men?" 

   Pilate again coaxes Jesus to defend himself. "Don't you know I have the power to crucify you?" You have no power except that given you from above. Well. Only one person can be in control here, and it isn't the defendant. 

   Not one to inflict death on the innocent, Pilate seeks to release him. "Behold, your king!" Demons stir the crowd ... "Crucify him! Crucify him!" 

   Rome's standard of justice gives way to expediency. "Take him away." 

   He is now at the mercy of Roman soldiers. Foreign duty in this peculiar land is not their idea of choice assignment. They entertain themselves when they can. Pleasure and brutality coincide. 

Hail to the king   

   Soldiers replace his clothing with a scarlet robe, befitting a king. He waits while they gather thorny vines for a crown to press onto his head. They give him a reed for a staff, and bow before him. "Hail to the king." 

   A soldier grabs the reed and begins hitting him on his head. He spits in his face. Above, Prophet recalls prophecy that horrifically comes to pass.

He was despised and rejected by men.

Surely, he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows.

He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.

He was numbered with the transgressors.

Men loved darkness...because their deeds were evil.

   Several women in tears follow their beloved teacher toward a skull-shaped, rocky hill outside city walls. Don't weep for me, they hear him say, but for yourselves and your children. 

   The battalion is ordered to stand down. 

Tomorrow: Staining the rock red


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Who Invited Them? 

While self-important men are interrogating the "Nazarene," demons seek to disrupt the 111th battalion. Stripped of all light, they are indistinguishable from their dark domain. 

   Their leader, known as Tormenter, speaks in the spirit of Goliath. "Why do you invade our world?" he barks. "Am I not a demon and you are servants of his majesty?" 

   "Choose your David and send him out to me. If he is stronger, we will become your subjects. If I overcome, you will turn your Captain over to us." 

   Angels will not disobey orders, but the distraction annoys them greatly. 

   "Are you going to let him die?" the demon provokes. "Who will care among ignorant mortals? Nobody will believe in him," he hisses. "Nobody!"  

   At that moment someone in the crowd spits in the face of Jesus. 

   Tormenter scoffs, "The chosen people crossed the sea on dry ground, and still we kept them in rebellion! Give them up. They are not worthy! Not one!" 

   The demon has a point, but nothing is impossible with God. Hostile leaders egg on the crowd, none of whom know what they are doing. Tormenter knows ... the Son of God can banish him with a single word.

   Among the battalion, Protector, in authority, is astonished to watch his Captain treated so. He desperately wants to act, but orders are orders. Having witnessed Lucifer's exile, he will trust God for the outcome. 

Who hit you?

   Religious leaders vent their outrage. This "blasphemer" who disrupted the temple business and called them "children of the devil" must be executed. His failure to defend himself ... and produce proof of his deity ... feeds their courage. 

   Men buffet his face, blindfold and tease him. "Prophesy, if you are the Son of God." 

   Enough. On to Pilate the governor. They need Rome to sanction the deed. Pilate addresses the beaten man, "Your own nation has delivered you. What have you done?  

   My kingdom is not of this world. I came into this world to bear witness to the truth. 

   "What is truth?" snaps Pilate, whose nation has no absolutes, except absolute power. Nevertheless, the governor does not find fault, nor did Herod ... nothing worthy of death. He appeals to the mob, "What shall I do with this Jesus?" If he thought reason would prevail, he heard only malice. "His blood be on us, and on our children!" 

   Protector is chagrined. Tormenter is satisfied, but he fears the Son of God will triumph still. 

Tomorrow: Senseless brutality

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

 Chapter 4

Testing the Teacher   

Having taught his disciples to pray, as a defense against temptation, Jesus exhorts them in the last hours. From the upper room to the olive grove...

   Torches and lanterns bear witness to danger. Shadows, silhouettes and flickering light paint darkened olive trees.

   Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss? To the mob, he asks, Who is it you want? Jesus of Nazareth, they shout. 

   I am he, affirms the great I AM, while the Spirit's power sends them reeling to the ground. The Shepherd claims ownership of the sheep. Thieves and robbers come to steal. The Shepherd's teaching is accompanied by miracles. Miracles lead to debates. Debates threaten the status quo. 

   In righteous anger this week, he spilled tables of the money changers, and drove sellers out of the house of prayer. This trouble maker can be tolerated no longer. No one understands. The Shepherd's Way is to lose, in order to win. 

   Murder requires the authority of Rome. And the "trial" accomplished quickly, under cover of darkness. 

Disciples resist  

   Sunday, they will be transformed. This is Thursday night, and their response is worldly. Always impulsive, Peter draws a sword. Shall we strike? Without waiting for permission, he swings wildly, cutting off an ear of the high priest's servant. 

   Put your sword away. Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me? Never mind that Peter's master restores the ear. Soldiers and Jewish officials arrest the Nazarene and bind him.  

   Heaven's battalion is under orders merely to surround their Captain ... still in the flesh. It's an agonizing command. They don't fully understand the mystery of the ages. 

Tomorrow: They will be challenged 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Perfect. Truth. Love. Holy. Glorified before the creation of the world, he chose himself for this. The moment has come. 

   He is the Good Shepherd. He presents himself as a sacrificial Lamb.

   He is the Light of the world. He takes on the mantle of darkness.

   If he suffers, will anyone care ... across the seas, across the centuries? 

   He had told the common people, If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. They were bent on making him king. Who can blame them? He is King Eternal isn't he?  

   The Father had introduced him: This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Tonight, he has given his Son a cup from which to drink. 

   Father, everything is possible for you; take this cup from me

   A shudder ripples through The Host. If the Father grants his request, warrior angels will rush to his rescue. For mortals - no mercy. No grace. No forgiveness. No reconciliation. No redemption. 

   Nothing defiled enters the gates of God's beautiful city. 

   "Son of man," Satan snarls, "What will it be? You who preached self denial. Can you deny yourself? You who taught them to turn the other cheek, what will you do when they strike you with their fists?"

   "You who taught your followers to lose their lives for your sake ... will you lose your life, for them?" The enemy presses in. "You who commanded, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind ... will you refuse his cup?" 

   "So, they are to love their neighbors and their enemies. Will you forgive those who are going to beat you, taunt you, mock you and nail you to the tree ... before the eyes of your dear mother?"   

   One thing remains. If Jesus cannot obey in all things, he can never ask anyone to obey anything. 

   Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done. 

   Quiet settles over The Host. Below, near the Mount of Olives, a band of rancorous men light torches and set out for the garden. 

Tomorrow: Judas knows



Monday, February 1, 2021

 Chapter 3

When Love Hurts 

His exceeding distress - undeserved. Blood oozes from his forehead. 

   From the beginning he had loved his own and taught them truth. His was and is the highest power, offered freely to the willing. Their kings mostly served themselves.

   His way is to teach, lead, feed and warn. Still, they rebel. Few understand. Few seek after him, except for healing. 

   The teacher's sadness...heavy...a vice like distress that leaves one weak. He is God and is with God, yet he once needed angels to minister to him. 

   He will not rule from a distant throne, but walks among men, sometimes hungry and thirsty, tempted on all points, but sinless, weeping not for himself but for them. For this, he is hated by those who should know what is written.   

   Had he not fed thousands, shown kindness to outcasts and healed a centurion's daughter? Didn't he give sight to the blind, calling attention to spiritual blindness? Hadn't he made the lame to walk, calling all men to walk with God? 

   If just one of 10 lepers returned to thank him, how many mortals will seek him when they don't see him? No matter. Into the mire he had come, with angels singing, Peace on earth good will toward men. 

Without a fight? 

   There will be no peace or good will in Gethsemane ... his hand-picked followers oblivious to the coming horrors of the night. His cousin - the greatest among men - has already been beheaded.  

   Stone-cut commandments had not won hearts. Quaking mountains and desert vipers left short memories. Parted waters and defeated enemies - oh, so yesterday. Prophecies come true, and prophets die. 

   The blind receive sight, the lame walk, the deaf hear and the dead are raised. But, teacher, you can't be from God. You are breaking our laws. 

   His soul is sorrowful, even unto death. Yes, offered a transgressor's death he drops to his knees, taking counsel with the Father one last time. 

   Above, The Host is frozen in silent grief. Is the Creator himself, their Captain, about to ... just lay it down? Without a fight? 

Tomorrow: Is there an alternative?