Tuesday, January 12, 2021

 Where Have All the Heroes Gone?     

   Difficult 2020 took more than pandemic victims from us. Mostly from aging.  

   If you're into novels, Mary Higgins Clarke passed on. Entertainers? Kenny Rodgers, Little Richard and Charlie Daniels.

   How about actors? Kirk Douglas, Brian Dennehy, Carl Reiner, Olivia De Havilland and Sean Connery. Washington notables? William Sessions, John Lewis and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 

   TV lovers might miss Jim Lehrer, Hugh Downs, Regis Philbin and Alex Trebek. Business? Jack Welch. Farewell Ravi Zacharias, J.I. Packer, Walter Williams, Chuck Yeager and Herman Cain. 

   For years my focus was largely on athletes and coaches, some more than others: Don Larson, Kobe Bryant, Mickey Wright, Curly Neal, Bobby Mitchell, Al Kaline, Don Shula, Phyllis George (commentator), John Thompson, Tom Seaver, Lou Brock, Gale Sayers, Bob Gibson, Whitey Ford, Joe Morgan and Paul Hornung. 

   I still remember who they coached or played for. All departed in 2020. 

   There are younger stars taking their place. But, part of me is missing. 

   Relatives. My parents and all aunts and uncles are gone. Three cheers for my wife, children, grand children, great grandchildren, sister and family, and cousins. Plus in-laws and friends. 

   Two of my cousins (and family members) experienced the tragedy of sons -suddenly - taken by accident. The pain never quite disappears. 

   Some day I will disappoint a few people. Isn't there anyone who will never leave us ... no matter what? Now and forever? 

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 

And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age. 

Matthew 28:18, 20



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