Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Battalion on Mission  

As Prophet and Benjamin move along, there are other legions. Now in Glory, Prophet has become better acquainted with ancient prophecy he and others spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.   

   They notice that a battalion is missing. Benjamin gets the attention of a messenger, who deviates just long enough to explain, The 111th is on special mission, high alert!   

   The sixth and seventh legions flank a decidedly superior warrior, an archangel. 

   Tell me, Benjamin asks Prophet, was the angel who put to death 185,000 Assyrians one of these warriors, or my Captain himself? And in the furnace with Daniel's three friends, was that him? 

   I see that you are curious, replies Prophet. Yes, I believe he was protecting them in the furnace. I also wonder ... are we looking at angels who brought plagues upon Egypt, served at Mt. Sinai, provided manna, destroyed Jericho? 

No centurions here 

   The Captain has been below for more than 30 earth years. Above, the twosome passes by the ninth legion and three more after that. 

   Benjamin lifts Prophet high up ... to gaze over the vast assembly, 12 legions strong ... exactly 2 million, 73 thousand, 6 hundred warriors, minus the 111th. This array is called The Host

   The 20,735 companies stand without mid-rank leadership. So perfect and obedient are they, no centurions are necessary. 

   For all its might, The Host is only a representation of the Creator's power ... he who called them into being. As he wills, they do. When he is pleased, they are pleased. When he is angry, they are angry. 

   By no means are these all the angels. At the Last Day, an angel holding the key to the bottomless pit will hold a great chain. Is this the Day? Angels long to know. 

   When the Lord finally declares the Last Day, he will descend like lightning, with trumpets and a loud command from the voice of the archangel. The Host will capture the rebellious and cast them into the fire. Indeed, fire on earth has already been kindled. 

   Benjamin remains with the angels while Prophet makes his way back to the city. When he arrives, Benjamin is there, waiting. They face each other without words, pondering the unsearchable wonders of the Highest. 

   Prophet's Lord. Benjamin's Captain. 

Tomorrow: Loud voices shatter calm

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