Sunday, January 10, 2021

 Joining the Nations     

   In 1776 colonialists took steps to leave the nations, not just England, eventually producing a radical Constitution that offered freedom and voice for all. Today, our divided country is taking steps to rejoin the nations for the glory of man.  

   We may be surprised. The Lord is not.

   Whether freedom of thought and speech will survive, we don't know. Forces of hatred, cancellation and persecution have the upper hand, it seems. They are backed by the super-wealthy who collude for their own interests.   

   Division is history's normal. Centuries ago, God's chosen people split into two kingdoms; lesser separations followed. Survivors divided sharply over Jesus, and lost their independence until 1948.  

   Christian worshippers - protesters - separated from Rome, then evolved into denominations and independents, not that they disagree on the gospel itself. Some individual congregations, and groups of congregations, further split from denominations that had wandered from biblical truth. Today, the pandemic and national controversies create extra difficulty for pastors struggling to hold worshippers together. 

   Some (obscure?) Bible verses provide understanding. 

   Simeon, a temple priest, holding the Christ, 8 days old, prophesied: This child is a sign spoken against, so the thoughts of many will be revealed. Luke 2:35

   There it is. God himself divides, for his purposes. Not that man-driven division is wise and proper. What is Judgment Day if not a time of final separation?    

There will be differences   

   Maybe we have arrived at the time Jesus prophesied: Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold ... and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world. Then the end will come. Matthew 24:12-14.

   He also warned his followers, You will be hated. Matthew 24:9 

   Paul explained differences to the Corinthian church: There must be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval. 1 Corinthians 11:19

   We have differences, including political. For many, faith overlaps with the secular. In Nazi Germany, some churches held to the truth, at serious risk, while others - swastikas on the walls - believed in Hitler to the end. 

   No political segment needs to boast in victory. The devil wants to rule the world. China's thought-control, communist party is his sign to the world. See Revelation. God knows. 



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