Sunday, January 24, 2021

 In Whom to Trust     

   The president signed into law an act making it harder for an immigrant to become a citizen, and would allow the president to imprison and deport non-citizens deemed dangerous or who come from a hostile nation. Sounds like Trump. 

   The act also would criminalize false statements critical of the federal government. Sounds like Biden, if he bows to the cancel culture. 

   Fact. Congress passed and President Adams signed four Alien & Sedition Acts in 1798, seven years after the Bill of Rights appeared in the Constitution. Nothing much came of these acts, and general disapproval may have cost Adams reelection. 

   Shall we say, human communications and travel are enormously, immensely, tremendously advanced compared with 1798? But, human nature is unchanged. 

   While we await the second shoe to drop in Washington, and others after that, we hope Christians and Jews, regardless of party, are focusing first on God, who does not change, in whom there is "no shadow of turning." 

   "'Come now, let us reason together,'" says the Lord" in Isaiah chapter 1. He is not happy with rulers, or worshippers in name only. 

   Christians are to "give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." We are also told to "pray for those in authority." We'll pray for their souls. 

   Meanwhile, we encourage you to feed on the Bible daily, and after that, check out THE CAPTAIN & THE HOST, here, starting tomorrow. The acts of the Lord are enormously, immensely, tremendously more valuable to our eternal security than short term acts of Congress or executive orders.


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