Saturday, January 30, 2021

 Voice of the Lord 

Benjamin then asks Prophet why he isn't using his name. 

First, says Prophet, when you are ready to visit earth, understand that they will not know your name. Only Gabriel and Michael are known. 

Angels have no ego. Now, about your name...

My name was associated with words given me from the spiritual realm. Many prophets had the same calling, but with different dreams, visions and revelations of both judgment and restoration. 

Were you Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, or...

My friend, our former names are not meaningful here in Glory. In fact, all saved mortals will receive new names in God's time. Before anyone can be saved, from this time forward, your Captain must provide a way. Yes, a Way! He is headed for the garden right now to speak with the Father. 

I was taught prophets had a "ministry gift," and that you were above kings.

We lived in our own ages, mostly apart from other prophets. We wrote what was divinely revealed, whether we understood it or not. Some prophecy of future events came to us in past tense. One prophet, known for unholy speech, experienced a vision of the Lord himself, on his throne. He confessed immediately and prophesied mightily the rest of his life. 

It must have been discouraging when mortals rejected knowledge, fought with each other, took miracles for granted and followed the ways of the world. 

God grieved. And we grieved. Both warnings and comfort are necessary, and we obeyed ... sometimes at risk of death. We had no tolerance for compromise, complacency, pretense or excuses. Our gift was to disturb the human mind, not coddle it. And we were not deceived by external appearance. 

Prophet! Word just came that my Captain is in the garden, and he is greatly troubled. 

Monday: To the garden



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