Friday, January 29, 2021

Brothers Finally 'Get it' 

I'm not finished, Prophet responds to Benjamin's query, patting himself where his human heart once beat.    

   When a famine caused Jacob to send his oldest sons to buy food, young Benjamin stayed behind. In Egypt the men had no idea they were dealing with their rejected brother, but he recognized them. 

   Joseph asked if their father was living, and if there was anyone else back home. Then he feigned anger and accused them of being spies. He would 'believe them' only if they brought their young brother to Egypt. Joseph imprisoned Simeon and sent the others home with food. Jacob was crushed, possibly losing another son - Rachel's son - forever.  

   Jacob had no choice. Judah promised to return home with Benjamin or live with the consequence

   In Egypt the second time, Joseph had his brothers brought to his house. They were terrified. When Joseph saw Benjamin, he was deeply moved and hurried out to weep privately. After he returned, his servants provided a meal, giving Benjamin five times as much food as his brothers.   

   Joseph still needed to know if his brothers' hearts were cured. He released them, with his own silver cup hidden in Benjamin's sack. Shortly, he sent his steward after them to 'find' the cup, and declare that he who 'stole' the cup deserved death. 

Looking for redemption 

   I can't relate to human emotion, but this must have greatly troubled the men ... or did they not care about Benjamin, as they hadn't cared about Joseph? 

   That's the question, my friend. Had their hearts changed? They all agreed to serve Egypt, but the steward said Benjamin would be his slave, and they could go free. 

   Again they offered to bear the consequence. No. Only Benjamin could be held responsible. 

   Judah - recalling how his father was in misery over Joseph's 'death by wild animal' - cried, "Let me be your slave!" 

   With that, Joseph could not restrain himself. He cleared the room of all Egyptians and wept loudly, "God sent me to preserve a remnant on earth, and to save your life by a great deliverance."

   He threw his arms around Benjamin, his mother's other son, and sent him back home to Jacob with 300 shekels of silver. 

   Yes! Yes! Evil and its consequences forgiven with mercy ... repentance demonstrated by acceptance of penalty ... discovered love! Freedom! Salvation! Deliverance! For mere mortals! 

   Redemption for the willing, the very cause for which your Captain is now engaged. And a foundation for what became "the children of Abraham," Jacob's grandfather. 

Tomorrow: Voice of the Lord


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