Monday, January 18, 2021

Coming Soon  

   Most of you know we will dedicate this blog, Views by the Sea, to a short story, Monday-Saturday for about 4-1/2 weeks, beginning next Monday, the 25th. Actually, we co-wrote it. God supplied the scriptures; we added the fiction. Confession: We've never been to heaven, where much of the story takes place. 😇

   We will also take you to the scary garden and to bloody Golgotha. One page a day won't require much of your time, although if you pause to reflect on scriptures, Yea!  

   Mrs. Donut has proof-read all 27 daily readings, and we trust you will be rewarded, no matter where you are on the path of faith. We will list the 15 chapter titles here on Friday.

   By using our blog, you can scroll back if you miss a day or two and catch up. However, if you prefer daily emails, let me know at Include your name so we know for sure who you are.    

                                           And now, some cheap complaining

    After about 60 years of struggle to change America, our dear leaders have reached the top of the mountain. With a final lock on power now underway, some things have to go, such as freedom and pretense of self-rule. 

   We want to help our new administration. Therefore we offer an introduction they can use for...



We the privileged in politics, media, education,

law and business, in order to form a more diverse

nation, establish control, insure domestic

antagonism, provide for immigrants, promote

Welfare, and secure the Blessings of our Deep

State to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and 

establish this Constitution for the Diverse States of America.

                         Whaddya think?    Jimmy

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