Saturday, January 16, 2021

 Does God Feel     


   In his second letter to the Corinthian church, Paul despairs of false preachers masquerading as apostles. With attractive message, new knowledge, charisma, eloquence, education, popularity and even miracles, they lead people astray. 

   Satan's influence draws "believers" into fusion with pagan and other religions. They deny the power of God. Scripture is minimized and Christ takes second place. 

   Paul is in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, more in touch with God's feelings than any human we know of (our opinion only). He is troubled to the core by people deviating from "whole hearted devotion" and fidelity to the "blood redemption." 

   In chapter 11 he writes of his anguish, suffering, hardships, distress, tears and grief - all over the spiritual disaster looming for people he taught and loves. A broken heart, great sorrow, trials, troubles, harassment, pains and persecution confront him always. 

   Are Paul's feelings greater than his Lord's? 

   When He has had enough, God (Revelation 19) will send an "angel to bind the dragon, serpent, devil, Satan in the Abyss, and lock and seal it." 

   Then "Christ will make war on the world, coming with the armies of heaven to strike down the nations."

   "The fury of the wrath of God Almighty" is feelings in action. 

   Do we distress over loved ones who are not spiritually safe? 


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