Thursday, January 28, 2021

 Chapter 2

Son of My Right Hand  

The Prince of Peace is at supper with his disciples in the upper room. Meanwhile, in the upper realm our angel asks his mentor about the origin of his name, if he might know. 

   Prophet eyes Benjamin with curiosity, and, well, it's a worthwhile question. You know about Jacob and his family in Canaan. 

   Yes, and there was a famine, causing them to travel to Egypt for food.

   Hardships can lead to blessings. Before the famine, Jacob's ... it's not a wholesome story ... but Jacob fathered 12 sons by four mothers. God will honor the family throughout the age, not because they deserved it; he chose them for his higher purpose. 

   And his last son was Benjamin, twelfth in line for blessing. 

Sibling rivalry

   His soon father-in-law required him to marry his oldest, Leah, before he could marry Rachel, whom he loved. But, Rachel was barren, the sisters became fierce rivals, and involved their maid servants with Jacob. 

   Wait. Rachel was the mother of Benjamin. 

   In time, God answered Rachel's prayers and she gave birth to Joseph, the eleventh son. Jacob the father favored the son of his beloved Rachel. Joseph managed to irritate his older brothers, who sold him into slavery and lied to Jacob about it.   

   While Joseph was educated and became a high official in Egypt, as God no doubt arranged, up in Canaan Rachel gave birth to another son, with great difficulty. Before she died, she named him Ben-Oni, translated "son of my trouble." 

   Jacob knew the boy would carry a guilt trip all his life...

   Therefore he named him Benjamin, "son of my right hand," and he favored Rachel's son, as he once had favored Joseph. But, I'm no one's favorite angel. 

Tomorrow: a new concept, Redemption  

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